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Diamonds in the Rough

General Summary

The morning following the transitions of power in Phandalin. Halia Thornton requested an audience with the 'Ardboys in order to reward them for their involvement, or lack thereof, in the proceedings. Lo-Kag Kalathai escorted the group, each of whom was given a magical item as a reward. To Quinn Bloodscale a Glamorweave cloak and diamond to cast Chromatic Orb, to Alistair DütcHoven a bag of holding (now known as the T.E.A.Bag), to Keith McCraggins a savage battle axe known as Alpha and to Lo-Kag Kalathai a black longsword known as Claw.   As you would recall from the last session, the 'Ardboys then requested a welfare chaeck-up on the two prisoners Harbin Wester and Nothic. Halia Thornton agreed to this on the condition they "dealt" with both prisoners as soon as possible. This did not have to include eliminating them, but they could not stay in Phandalin. John Small escorted the 'Ardboys to the prison under the Townmasters Hall. Harbin Wester was his usual greasy self and pleaded for his life. The 'Ardboys felt he could be of some use in their service to Venomfang.   Halia Thornton had two requests of the group. First, they would need to investigate the whereabouts of two archaeologists/prospectors at the Dwarven Excavation. Second, they should journey to Gnomengard, where Theobald Wilmont was investigating a lead related to the Phandelver Pact.   Setting off from Phandalin the 'Ardboys made short work of the journey on a pleasant spring morning. They arrived at the Dwarven Excavation in good time. It was situated in a narrow canyon, the remains of a small settlement, nothing but burnt-out ruins. They found the prospectors, however, Norbus had succumbed to madness at the incessant tapping, deep within a ruined dwarven temple. He insisted they all listen closely. Only, Keith McCraggins remained unaffected.. Whilst Alistair DütcHoven became paranoid, Quinn Bloodscale had short term memory loss and Lo-Kag Kalathai felt compelled to touch everything and feel their texture.    They delved deeper into the ruins of the temple, discovering symbols of Abbathor and old disused red leather armour. Alistair DütcHoven and Keith McCraggins found an undead dwarven 'rapper' deep down one of the corridors and upon dispatching him the madness was broken. This was not before Lo-Kag Kalathai had a close encounter with an ochre jelly and found out the hard way that slashing and piercing damage were not the best options to deal with it.     Once they had all recovered they pushed deeper still, finding an old chamber whose entrance had collapsed. They removed the rubble and found a large statue of Abbathor with a large resplendent green gem which Quinn Bloodscale could not pass up the opportunity to take. Of course, it was trapped and exploded causing damage to all those in the room.    Norbus and Dazlyn were grateful to the 'Ardboys for clearing the temple. They wished to continue exploring and investigating its origins. They also believed that a small temple like this could not have supported itself would have required a much larger settlement nearby. A short rest later and the 'Ardboys were on their way.   They traced the lower foothills of The Sword Mountains making their way towards Gnomengard. However, they found several way stones which indicated in dwarven runes the direction of "Axeholm" which was presumably the larger settlement related to the temple. When they eventually reached a small mountain pass which seemed to lead to Axeholm the group debated if it was worth their time exploring. The decision was quickly made for them as they heard the blasting of Orcish warhorns and a White Dragon flew overhead in the direction of Axeholm.   They rushed up the pass to witness the slaughter of more than a dozen orcs as they ran towards an imposing dwarven fortress, built into the side of the mountain itself. Fortunately for the 'Ardboys the White Dragon took several of the corpses from the battle and flew off with them up into the higher parts of the mountain range. Approaching the fortress themselves it appeared ominously empty, cold and abandoned.

Missions/Quests Completed

"Dwarven Excavation" The Dwarven prospectors Dazlyn and Norbus have set out to investigate some old Dwarven ruins for the treasures and relics they might contain. They are expected back in Phandalin with a haul of gems including diamonds. Upon arriving the 'Ardboys found Dazlyn and Norbus. Norbus had been driven insane by a constant tapping deep within the excavation. Within the 'Ardboys faced an undead dwarf, yellow ooze and a mischevious statue to Abbathor. They left with the knowledge that a larger settlement must have been nearby to supply the temple.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

"Axeholm" On their way to Gnomengard the 'Ardboys found way stones indicating Axeholm as the larger settlement attached to the temple of Abbathor in the Dwarven Excavation. Lured by orcish war horns and White Dragon. The 'Ardboys witnessed a massacre.
Report Date
10 Jul 2021
Primary Location
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