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Session 8: Primer

In our last session, the 'Ardboys learnt a valuable lesson about their own mortality. They awoke, separated on a green misty shore. Quinn Bloodscale, Lo-Kag Kalathai and Raster facing off against ravaging Ankegs. Whilst Keith McCraggins, Droop and Alistair DütcHoven floundered with the first aid of an insect bite and a swarm of living trees. After each pair overcame their own challenges they entered the ruins of Thundertree. Keith McCraggins and Alistair DütcHoven met Reidoth the Druid who told them of his trees, the Dragon Cultists and the Dragon. Meanwhile, Quinn Bloodscale and Lo-Kag Kalathai encountered a Dragon Cultist intern name Favic and his followers who told them of the Druid and the Dragon. Fortuitiously the two groups met near the centre of town and an arrangement of sorts was divised to ensure the Dragon left Thundertree. Needless to say the plan did not go as smoothly as the 'Ardboys might of hoped as Venomfang decived them with his smooth tongue and calming words to lured them right where he wanted them. Nearly completely wiped out Quinn Bloodscale was able to bargin in Draconic for the party's life. However, it came at the cost of the four remaining Dragon Cultist and a promise of treasure, influential followers and to be at his beck and call. We join our adventures in the shelter of Reidoth the Druid's home as the forest and the ruins of Thundertree begin to stir...
ACTIVE QUESTS   "Meet me in Phandalin" Gundren Rockseeker hired you to escort a wagon to Phandalin. Gundren Rockseeker has been abducted by The Cragmaw Tribe and sent to Cragmaw Castle under the instructions of The Black Spider. Gundren Rockseeker is believed one of the few individuals to know the location of the cave of the Phandelver Pact. The 'Ardboys now know the location of Cragmaw Castle thanks to Reidoth the Druid.   "A good word" Theobald Wilmont has hired Keith McCraggins and the 'Ardboys to escort him to Phandalin where he has business with Halia Thornton. He says if you’re any good then he’ll “put in a good word for you”. With some of the 'Ardboys having met Halia Thornton it seems she wants to exert greater influence in the town of Phandalin. Further discussions suggest Halia Thornton will soon take control of Phandalin with the repurposed Redbrands. She doesn't appear to require the groups assistance, only their assurances that they will not interfere.   "The Mountain’s Toe Gold Mine" lies fifteen miles northeast of Phandalin. The new overseer, Don-Jon Raskin, May need to be escorted to the mine once he recovers. There’s no telling what dangers lie between here and there.   "Storms over Neverwinter Wood" A strange, unnatural, arcane storm erupted somewhere near the centre of Neverwinter Woods and mysteriously dissipated as quickly as it appeared. Other storms have appeared in Dreams and more recently with the appearance of Gorthok the Thunder Boar.   "Something in the sky" The 'Ardboys saw a large winged creature in the sky over The Sword Mountains behind Phandalin. It seems a Dragon has come and is displacing the normal inhabitants of the mountains and threatening settled areas. They 'Ardboys have yet to cross paths with the beast.   "The Symbols of Phandelver" Larno Albrek appears to have been deciphering five symbols with links to Wave Echo Cave. With the "mountain" symbol in hand thanks to Halia Thornton. Their only other lead is Hamun Kost a mage of some repute near Old Owl Well.   "Venomfang's Thrall" The 'Ardboys encountered the young adult green Dragon Venomfang in the ruins of Thundertree. Hopelessly outmatched our heroes bargained for their lives, pledging to provide Venomfang with treasures, influential servants and to come when he calls via the sending stone.
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