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The Brown Horse Inn: Thundertree

1 ten-day before the eruption of Mount Hotenow

Garon stood behind the bar of The Brown Horse, as he always did; it was commonly thought that the cynical old man chose the mundane daily upkeep of the bar in order to save himself a few silver and not hire any employees. He scowled and chewed thoughtfully at his lip as he filled up the flagons of those seated at the bar with their third mug of Sleeping Dragon Dark.   The group included Talgen Hucrele a fighter, Sharwyn Hucrele a wizard, Sir Braford a paladin of Helm, and Karakas a ranger. The party had been together for some months completing quests in the surrounding region and were celebrating their latest victory. Talgen and Sharwyn were both locals and had met the others perchance on their adventures.   “Tal you bastard, when are you going to tell us what happened whilst you were alone with that ogre?” Said Karakas in jest.   “There isn’t much to say… *dramatic pause* except I cut his fucking leg off below the knee and then delivered the killing blow straight through the heart!” Talgen cheered   “A well-deserved kill” nodded Sir Bradford, his Order of the Gauntlet pendant glittering in the firelight.   Sharwyn rolled her eyes and smiled at her brother as he enjoyed the limelight.   It was at this point the door to The Brown Horse was blown open by a forceful gust and an old dwarf entered, his clothes muddy from travel and water dripping off him from the storm outside. He pushed the door closed and moved over closer to the fire.   “What can I get for you master dwarf?” hollered Garon across the otherwise empty common room.   The dwarf didn’t appear to hear Garon and began muttering under his breath whilst staring into the fire. Sir Bradford, who disliked impropriety, walked over to the dwarf, placed a hand on his shoulder and said.   “I believe the Inn keeper asked you a question”   The dwarf spun around and stared at Sir Bradford with a single eye and all the madness of an entire clan. His hands reached up to feel the length of Sir Bradford’s arms.   “Hmmm, strong arms… sharp mind” he looked beyond Sir Bradford towards the bar. “Capable allies… Yes, yes, you will do nicely” muttered the Dwarf under his breath.   “A mug of your finest.” Declared the dwarf “How rude I did not introduce myself, Rurik Lutgehr”   The party exchanged some pleasantries and they all continued drinking.   Rurik babbled about an enchanted fruit and a strange druid, but more interestingly he spoke of a subterranean fortress that was near Neverwinter but nobody seemed to know about. This strange druid was his friend, Belak, his ally; his reason for only having one eye but he wouldn’t speak of that. Only of “the apple, the bright red apple” and the betrayal that followed. His druid buddy led them all from Neverwinter and into this place, this so-called “Sunless Citadel” – not a great name for a subterranean fortress; not very imaginative, right? – and one by one they were picked off by kobolds and goblins and poisoned traps but they just pressed on. And on. And on. The dwarf wasn’t very descriptive but drove it home that they were in the fortress a good long while. His eye lit up with passion and excitement when he spoke what they ultimately found, but even for all those listening, it was a stretch. A tree, he said – well, drooled, really, as he was already a good fifteen pints in of Garon’s finest – a tree full of apples. Underground. But full of apples.   “Apples?” scoffed Karakas “What could anyone possibly want with subterranean apples?”   “That’s just the thing you see, these apples, they bring strength, vitality, fertility and vigour” whispered Rurik “I have seen with my own eyes the power they hold”   “You only have one eye…” said Sharwyn   “That is because Belak would not share with me the fruit” said Rurik with malice in his eye “But you… you four, you could take it from him. Share it with your new friend Rurik?”   “If this Belak has wronged you as you say, then I feel we are obliged to seek him out and if he leaves us wanting then we destroy him and this tree” proclaimed Sir Bradford “No, no, no! You must not hurt tree!” exclaimed Rurik   “We cannot promise anything, except that we will find this citadel and route out any evil. For the safety of Thundertree” said Talgen   “Of course. Excellent! Excellent! I will show you the way in the morning” said Rurik gleefully   As the young adventures left Garon was left in silence with Rurik at the bar. Rurik’s steely gaze locked on the far wall, a wry smile on his face.   “…Will you be needing a bed for the night?” asked Garon   Rurik said nothing then stood up and walked out into the stormy night. A flash of lighting casting his silhouette across the floor before he was gone and the chill wind blew through the now empty common room of The Brown Horse.


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