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The Misty Shore

General Summary

Lo-Kag Kalathai was faced with some inner turmoil during a dream (Lo-Kag's Dream) that involved his previous tribe members and being held back by his choices. Upon awaking he found himself on a misty shore, Raster nearby coaxing him to consciousness. He quickly located Quinn Bloodscale whom he was with during the storm. The two scouted around for signs of their other adventurers during which they were ambushed by two Ankegs. Quinn Bloodscale struggled to make her wand stand on its end, however, Lo-Kag Kalathai and Raster easily destroyed the two beasts. They continued to search for signs of life...   Meanwhile, Keith McCraggins awoke to a screaming Droop charging him with a knife. In relief but also horror he realised this was to kill a Stirge that was sucking the life from him. Nearby Alistair DütcHoven awoke to some twigs that were alive watching him sleep. He found his way to Keith McCraggins and discovered a mess of blood (Droop and Keith McCraggins’s attempt at stopping the bleeding). He quickly bound the wound and whilst doing so a figure with the twig creature approached the three. Here they met Reidoth the Druid. Whom after introductions were made agreed to help Keith McCraggins back at his cabin...   Lo-Kag Kalathai and Quinn Bloodscale soon discovered the ruins of Thundertree in search of their fellow adventurers, also coming across what appeared to be a hoard of twig creatures. From within a cabin nearby they were coaxed inside for safety. They here learnt of the Dragon Cultists from the group’s leader Favic, the complications with the Druid of Thundertree as well as their plan to entice a Dragon residing in town to join their cause. With scepticism, Lo-Kag Kalathai and Quinn Bloodscale decided to aid them on their journey, perhaps in hope of encountering the Druid and even still... a Dragon?!   Keith McCraggins’s wound was stabilised with the sap of Reidoth the Druid *wink wink*. After explaining a brief history of the town (including the presence of a Dragon!), they learned the location of Cragmaw Castle and gained the trust of the Druid (who revealed was quite protective of his area of the wood, showing them the bodies of two dragon cultists embedded into a tree). They agreed to help rid these cultists of Thundertree, but somehow slipped their mind what happened to their fellow compatriots...   Lo-Kag Kalathai and Quinn Bloodscale helped lead the clearly inexperienced cultists to the side of the town through the green fog. They came across a well-maintained cabin and decided to spit-roast, this being an ancient technique of attacking from both ends. Inside lay many ash zombie creatures. Quinn Bloodscale and Lo-Kag Kalathai quickly dispatched of their enemies from the rear and aided in the killing of the rest of the zombies in the front. The cultists lost some of their lives in this process. After this, it left only their leader Favic and the two adventurers to continue...   In the streets, Reidoth the Druid, his twig blights and the other two adventurers waited in ambush to catch the cultists off-guard. From the mist was a familiar voice... but not too familiar to Keith McCraggins or Alistair DütcHoven. Quinn Bloodscale parted the mist to reveal an army of blights, and the two groups met face to face.   After some reconciliation, and subsequent deliberation, it was agreed that the four adventurers would accompany Favic to the Dragon’s lair to try and get it to leave Thundertree allowing the Druid to aid and abide our adventurers in their one of many to be completed quests (specifically Wave Echo Cave). The Druid returned to his home with Droop and Raster. The group headed towards the lair...   Approaching the lair they found many dead creatures including two enormous spiders. From within a booming voice asked for Parlé and with such trust, the group entered the lair. It was here they met a young adult green dragon named Venomfang, who had so much to offer our adventurers. Favic attempted to talk in Draconic with the aid of his mask (to which Quinn could in fact understand). Venomfang ignored the pathetic attempt of the cultist to gain his trust. The group continued to listen with such interest and trust to Venomfang, offering them quid pro quo for him leaving the town, until Favic disclosed he knew that green dragons always were deceitful and often manipulative. In amused shock, Venomfang obliterated Favic and inflicted almost fatal damage to our heroes with his poisonous breath. It was here that Lo-Kag Kalathai and Keith McCraggins attempted to fight this creature, despite dealing significant amounts of damage the dragon was unfazed. Lo-Kag Kalathai was knocked unconscious in one impressive blow. Alistair DütcHoven attempted to persuade the dragon to allow them to live with little success despite the guidance of Lathander. Quinn's Dream also decided to blow her only fireball spell in an attempt to scare dragon (instead of attacking it Keith McCraggins muttered under his breath). She then spoke to Venomfang in Draconic and to his surprise, he held fast and parlé-ed with the group. For their survival, they pledged a pact to provide him with treasures, be in his debt and provide him with servants. After restoring Lo-Kag Kalathai conscious state he realised the remaining cultists would suit perfectly. Quinn Bloodscale rushes to retrieve them and convinced them to stay with Venomfang, much to Alistair DütcHoven’s horror (and tears). Leaving a sending stone to remain in communication with Venomfang the group departed, Alistair DütcHoven leaving one last blessing on the poor cultists.   Returning to Reidoth the Druid house the group, badly beaten up, recounted their tale (well Alistair DütcHoven did, in tears). They decided to rest here, knowing they had many journey’s ahead either at Cragmaw Castle or Phandalin. They knew that Reidoth the Druid wouldn’t be accompanying them further until Venomfang was gone, so they suckled one last time on his sap before retiring for the night. What lies in store for our heroes, find out next time, on the LOST DRAGONS OF PHANDELVER...

Missions/Quests Completed

"A Forest Guide" Qelline Alderleaf told the 'Ardboys that if anyone could help them find the places they are looking for it would be Reidoth the Druid. A member of the The Emerald Enclave last known to be around the ruins of Thundertree. The 'Ardboys met with Reidoth the Druid who gave them directions to Cragmaw Castle and said he had rough knowledge as to the location of Wave Echo Cave but could not leave his trees unattended.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

"Venomfang's Thrall" The 'Ardboys encountered the young adult green Dragon Venomfang in the ruins of Thundertree. Hopelessly outmatched our heroes bargained for their lives, pledging to provide Venomfang with treasures, influential servants and to come when he calls via the sending stone.
Report Date
06 Sep 2020
Primary Location

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