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Wrank stench of death and spiders

General Summary

In our last session, the 'Ardboys explored what remained of the lost Dwarven fortress of Axeholm. The duo of Keith and Lo'kag encountered the spectral form of a elven women who made Keith shit his pants and stunned him into submission with her howling wail. Regrouping with Alistair and Quinn they formed a plan of action amongst the ever present scratching and banging of undead dwarves on the nearby doors. Quinn negotiated with the specter and found her name was Vyldara, an ambassador of the moon elves, who had died here at the hand of the follower's of Abbathor. She believed Keith and Lo'Kag to be followers of the God of greed as they wore his symbol in the form of a necklace of an emerald encrusted dagger. Quinn made a deal with Vyldara to cleanse the symbols of Abbathor from Axeholm including the large statue in the central hall. Vyldara suggested that they also end the Castellan Zul Dratch who still sat on his throne in the halls below. After taking a short rest and exploring other bedrooms... and bathrooms the group made their way down to the throne room. There sat Zul Dratch, his skin inscribed with demonic runes carved deep into his flesh. Across his lap a axe, whose shaft glowed with orange rune in the same abyssal script. A climactic battle of ghouls and the undead Castellan proved the 'Ard boys victorious. A word rang in the air "Orcussss". Alistair and Quinn were able to decipher some of the runes which read "Prince of Undeath" and "To cleanse all living things". Lo'kag and Keith both debated lifting the axe but it was ultimately Keith who took up the weapon, much to Alistair's protestations. Again "Orcusss" hung eerily in the air. Quinn and Lo'Kag met with Vyldara and toppled the statue to Abbathor, This did not have the desired effect... Quinn suggested that perhaps something else was holding her in Axeholm. Re-grouping Keith placed the axe into Alistair's T.E.A bag and felt a deep sense of loss. This seemed sufficient to release Vyldara (Who seemed simultaneously confused and relived). We re-join the group as they leave Axeholm and its desecrated halls, closing the portcullis behind them....

Missions/Quests Completed

"Abyssal Blade" In the abandoned dwarven fortress of Axeholm the 'Ardboys retrieved an axe from the remains of Zul Dratch inscribed with abyssal runes heralding "The Prince of Undeath". the word Oooooorcussssss hung softly on the air. Keith McCraggins was the only member of the party to touch the object which is now stored within Alistair DütcHoven's T.E.A.bag.
Report Date
13 Jul 2021
Primary Location

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