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Amphibious Adaptation

You can survive out of water far longer than your aquatic kin.
Prerequisite: Aquatic creature that cannot breathe out of water. • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You can survive out of water for a number of hours equal to your Consitution score before you risk suffocation. If you already have the ability to survive out of water for a limited amount of time before suffocating or suffering other ill effects, that amount of time is doubled.
• If you do not possess a land speed, you gain a land speed of 5 feet. If you possess a land speed that is less than 20 feet, your speed on land increases by 5 feet.
• You can walk across the top of unstable mats of seaweed, kelp, lily pads, and the like, requiring a DC 5 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check for large, thick tangles of such aquatic vegetation and a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check for thin or loose layers of such vegetation. In addition, plants and plant-based effects gain disadvantage on any check to grapple you and you gain advantage on any roll to avoid being grappled by a plant or plant-based effect (such as a saving throw against entangle).


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