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For most parts of eastern Akados, peaceful contact was not achieved with the folk of the Helcynngae Peninsula until after the final defeat of that people at Oescreheit Downs by Osbert II in 2802 I.R. However, with the long isolation of the folk of Freegate during and following the Great Darkness, their inherent Hyperborean and later Foerdewaith hostility towards the Heldring was muted and largely even forgotten. While Heldring raiders fought tooth and nail for land and resources along the Sinnar Coast, farther north they found a more or less friendly port in Freegate. Many Heldring not wishing to partake in the wars of the south and oftentimes those injured in said and no longer able to stand in the shieldwall came to far Freegate and were able to trade coin and livestock gained in their raiding for supplies and building materials to use in the gentle Plains of Mayfurrow. For their own part, the folk of Freegate felt little kinship with the Foerdewaith lands to the south and had not repugnance in trading with Heldring immigrants as long as they did not try to settle in their insular city in any great numbers. The sum of this oddly peaceful interaction was that many of the farmers and landholders of Bard’s Gate’s hinterlands are of mixed or even pure-blooded Heldring descent.   Interaction has continued into recent centuries with the largely peaceful folk of the peninsula continuing their tradition of trade with Freegate and eventually its patron inland city. This has resulted in a continuing influx of Heldring folk as well as the old lineages that still thrive in the area and is especially apparent among the city’s population with the higher incidence of folk of especially tall stature and hair of purest blond.  

Masculine Names

Aratos Lykos, Apollonios, Pratinas,Demos, Ophelos, Zethos, Iphitis, Eurystheos, Kallikrates  

Feminine Names

Penthea Atalante, Iolanthe, Diosanthe, Antimakhe, Megaera, Philida, Demetria, Amaranthe, Thera  

Heldring Stats

The Heldring are powerfully built and most are trained in at least simple forms of combat.
Language - Heldring can read, speak and write Helvaenic
Ability Score Increase - Your Strength score increases by 1.
Martial Training - You have proficiency in light armor and two weapons of your choice.
Martial Lore - You have proficiency in either the Athletics or History skill (your choice).
Languages spoken


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