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Hyperborean Descendant

Scholars the world over, from Castorhage to Pharos, consider the Hyperborean race as a distinct lineage to be extinct. The last remnant of that ancient people disappeared from Tircople 900 years ago, and from Akados a century before. Not so the good people of Freegate. In their minds the folk of ancient Hyperborea live on and thrive, preserved in their own bloodlines. The people of Freegate are renowned for their archaic ways and stilted practices, ever clinging to the mannerisms of a people and an empire long lost in time. And there is truth in their argument; Freegate was indeed isolated for many years and always remained fairly xenophobic in its dealings with outsiders. But centuries of free trade and friendly relations with Bard’s Gate and elsewhere have taken their toll so that other than their classical modes of dress and outdated ways of thinking, there is little evidence to suggest that Freegate remains as the lone bastion and legacy of that great Akadian empire. Some have noted, however, that the preponderance of skin tones of Freegate tending to be perhaps a bit paler and hair and eyes possibly a bit lighter in hue than commonly seen in the region could lend some credence to this theory.  

Masculine Names

Vasilios, Paschalis, Stavros, Florentios, Pavlos, Stergios, Periklis, Evripidis, Achilleas, Yiorgos  

Feminine Names

Evanthia, Meropi, Dionissia, Sotiria, Aphrodite, Adriana, Selene, Sappho, Cybele, Theofania  

Hyperborean Descendant Stats

Hyperborean descendants are charismatic and sociable. It is common for them to be well educated and versed in the arts
Language - Hyperborean Descendants can read, speak and write High Boros
Ability Score Increase - Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Skillful - You are proficient in either the Arcana and History skills, and you can read, write, and speak an extra language of your choice.
Observant - You have proficiency in either the Insight or Persuasion skill (your choice).
Hyperborean Descendant.jpg
Languages spoken


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