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Scholars trace the origins of the distant Khemit back many thousands of years ago when the land was mhabbited by hunters and Khemit itself was a sprawlmg green grassland. Climatic changes turned the land into a desert, but the hunters survived by huntng and fishmg and through a primitive form of cultivation they developed. The lands of Khemit are governed by the Pharaohs, dating back thousands of years. There are few Khemitites in Akados, but Bard’s Gate is virtually unique in that there is an actual permanent (if small) population of the folk of distant Khemit in its midst.   This can primarily be attributed to the presence of the Temple of Bast and the special relationship it has enjoyed in the city since the time of the Shabbisian plagues. The few Khemitites to be found in the city are virtually all connected with the temple in some way, and many of them choose to wear the dramatic dress of Ancient Khemit to set themselves apart and draw the admiring attention of those around them. This practice has diminished somewhat in the last two years after several of its adherents were found mysteriously murdered during the time of the Huun siege. If there was some connection or enmity between the Khemitites and Huun is unknown, and if and how Huun assassins were able to infiltrate the city’s walls when their army could not remains equally unexplained. But some have noted that the Khemitites in the city walk a bit more cautiously and draw a little less attention to their exotic looks and clothing than before, though what they may fear with the Huun threat now passed is a mystery  

Masculine Names

Afabu, Imshur, Nebkau, Habtu, Uteben, Mabheri, Fenti, Taaq, Hosut, Parhu  

Feminine Names

Ahunum, Baiti, Faiab, Gemi, Hatba, Khenu, Nefakhuti, Sasa, Themfi, Penta  

Khemitite Stats

The Khemitite are a hardy and strong people who are well acclimated to their desert environments.
Language - Khemitite can read, speak and write Khemitian
Ability Score Increase - Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Desert Stride - You move through difficult terrain in desert environments at normal speed.
Distance Runner - You have advantage on Constitution saves against exhaustion from running, forced marches, starvation, and thirst in hot environments.
Languages spoken


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