Luck and Legends Wiki
The Luck and Legends wiki is an ongoing external project that catalogues many of the NPC's and Player Characters found in my groups games. This is done by a member of my group who has played Panic and Shai (among other characters). He has been trying to catalogue the characters in our games from the players perspective and to give a better detailed account of them that is not found on my worldanvil. The characters found within were played in the Saltmarsh game, the follow-up Curse of Morrigan game which continues Morrigans arc, a game done in the Stoneheart Valley, and the Planescape game, and likely games that will be played in the future. A few of the characters are from one of the other group members ongoing ORACLE bi-weekly game. This one is a separate world that is not set in The Lost Lands.
This resource is a nice way to get a better idea of the characters found in the recaps, a summary of NPCs from my Worldanvil that I have hidden due to spoilers, a nice way to see character connections, and additional art.
A Link can be found here for those interested!