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Platinum Practice

A few dragoons worship the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut. These few are members of the Platinum Practice, and are dedicated to preserving the lives of their allies and the innocent.
Level Feature
3rd Draconic Radiance, Divine Banner, Radiant Symbol
7th Combat Blessings
10th Bahamut's Boon, Platinum Presence
15th Undying Courage
18th Bindings of Bahamut

Draconic Radiance

At 3rd level, your draconic nature and that of your companion shifts to reflect the influence of radiance you now wield. Your dragon's relevant damage type becomes radiant, and any damage and condition immunities it has are replaced with immunity to radiant damage.   Your dragon also physically shifts to reflect this change, and its scales change colour to look like the brightest platinum.  

Divine Banner

Additionally at 3rd level, you can create a divine weapon, imbued with the magic of the platinum dragon. During the course of a short or long rest, you can spend 1 hour to create this divine weapon, which takes the shape of either a pike or a spear (your choice).   The weapon deals radiant damage, rather than its regular damage type. You can only have one of these weapons at a time, and when you create a new one, the previous one is destroyed.  

Radiant Symbol

Finally at 3rd level, you can use your banner to inspire your allies to greater feats of strength. As an action, you can wave your banner until the start of your next turn. When you do so, any allied creature can use a bonus action while within 10 feet of you to gain one of the following effects, which you choose when you wave your banner.   Banner of Might. While in this banner’s range, an ally can activate the effect of the banner to add 1d4 radiant damage to any weapon attacks they make until the start of their next turn.   Banner of Resilience. While in this banner’s range, an ally can activate the effect of the banner to increase its AC by 1 until the start of its next turn.   Banner of Agility. While in this banner’s range, an ally can activate the effect of the banner to double its movement speed until the end of its turn.   Alternatively, you can choose to plant the banner in the ground after choosing an effect. When you do so, an you and your allies can interact with your banner in the same way as though you were waving it using a bonus action. The banner remains for 1 minute, and cannot be reclaimed or used as a weapon during this time. After you plant your banner, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.  

Combat Blessings

Beginning at 7th level, whenever you use your action to wave your divine banner, if your dragon companion can see you, it can use its reaction to make a melee attack.   In addition, the banner’s range while planted increases to 30 feet. Its range is also increased to 30 feet if you wave it while you are within 5 feet of your dragon.  

Bahamut’s Boon

At 10th level, whenever a creature would make an attack against you while you are waving the banner, you can make an attack against that creature as a reaction.  

Platinum Presence

Also at 10th level, the sheer power of Bahamut that flows through you allows you to find his enemies. You know the direction to any chromatic dragon within 1 mile of you, but do not know its exact location, or the distance it is from you.  

Undying Courage

Starting At 15th level, your banner becomes much more powerful. Whenever you wave your banner, all of the effects become available to choose from, rather than just one. Whenever you use a bonus action to gain a benefit from the banner, you can choose a second benefit.   Additionally, if you would be reduced to 0 hit points while you are waving your banner, you can choose to be reduced to 1 hit point instead. When you do so, your banner loses the ability to grant one of the benefits it offers until you finish a long rest. You choose the benefit that is lost.   Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.  

Bindings of Bahamut

At 18th level, your banner not only inspire allies, but also create barriers to trap foes. When you place a banner, you can create two additional banners, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first banner.   When these banners land, you can create a transparent wall of shimmering, divine energy appear between any number of the banners. The wall is 10 feet high and 1 inch thick, and is immune to all damage, but can be dispelled by a 6th level dispel magic or a spell that nullifies magic of a similar or higher level. Spells that dispel walls in this way only dispel walls in the area they target, and any section outside of wall outside their range is not dispelled.   The walls cannot be moved through by creatures, other than ones you designate when you create the walls.   When the wall appears, all creatures in its space are pushed to a side of the wall of your choice.   Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.


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