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Shadow Practice

Dragoons who revere necromancy, or even strive for vengeance, make up members of the Shadow Practice. Dark and elusive, these dragoons use misdirection and guile to gain the upper hand in battle.
Level Feature
3rd Draconic Darkness, Shadow Cloak
7th Reaper's Breath
10th Night Walker
15th Shifting Shadows
18th Umbra Pulse

Draconic Darkness

At 3rd level, your draconic nature and that of your companion shifts to reflect the influence of darkness you now wield. Your dragon's relevant damage type becomes necrotic, and any damage and condition immunities it has are replaced with immunity to necrotic damage.   Your dragon also physically shifts to reflect this change, and its scales change colour to look like the darkest ebony.  

Shadow Cloak

Also at 3rd level, you can surround yourself in a shroud of darkness. As a bonus action on your turn, a 5 foot diameter sphere, centred on you (but not moving with you), becomes heavily obscured to creatures other than yourself and your dragon. The darkness lasts until the start of your next turn, and doesn’t move with you.   You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You regain all expended uses of this ability when you finish a short or long rest.  

Reaper's Breath

Beginning at 7th level, whenever your dragon reduces a creature to 0 hit points with its breath weapon, that creature immediately dies, and a shadow (found on page 269 of the Monster Manual) rises from its corpse, with the following changes.   • The shadow has its Intelligence and Charisma score reduced to 1.
• The shadow is unaligned.
• If the shadow would reduce a creature's strength score to 0, a new shadow is not created.   The shadows last until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and acts immediately after the dragon's initiative count. They take orders from both you and the dragon, requiring no action from either of you. You can only control a maximum number of shadows equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum one).  

Night Walker

At 10th level, you and your dragon can take the Hide action as a bonus action while in dim light or in darkness, and gain advantage on the ability check.  

Shifting Shadows

Starting at 15th level, you can manipulate darkness to slip away from your foes. When you use your Shadow Cloak feature, you can choose to also become invisible and teleport up to 20 feet to an empty space you can see within range. You remain invisible until the end of your next turn or until you attack, deal damage, or force a creature to make a saving throw.  

Umbra Pulse

At 18th level, you can create a vortex of swirling darkness around yourself as an action on your turn. Any number of creatures you choose within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw, with the DC being equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. On a failed save, creatures take 10d10 necrotic damage and you can choose to have them either pulled up to 15 feet towards you or pushed up to 15 feet directly away from you. On a successful saving throw, creatures take half as much damage and aren't moved.   Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest


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