The Stoneheart Crossing
The Stoneheart Crossing is a large bridge constructed over one of the narrowest sections of the Shorsai River. It was built by the Stoneheart Valley Trading Company in 3486 to make transports of larger goods along the trade way more viable, as the previous bridge crossing was small and ill-suited for heavy goods such as carts and wagons. During the battles of the sea princes, it became necessary to build up the defenses at Darnagal, and the commission for fortifications along the Eastbound tradeway were constructed and the Stoneheart Crossing became a lynchpin for the shipment of materials along the eastbound tradeway.
The east/west route had historically not been dangerous so tower fortifications were not initially built on other side. Bandits took this lack of permanent defense as an opportunity and began to raid the choke point out of Sanctuary Hills, named as such because they were a sanctuary for bandits and outlaws.
The bandit leaders mistakenly attacked a caravan guarded by adventurers, who took to the hills and found the bandit camp, slaying them to a man. The trading company has constructed Fort Mayor to patrol the region and further built a smaller set of palisades on the north side of the river, though not nearly as big as its sister fort. With this the soldiers guards the valuable passage and across the mighty Shorsai river and protect those withing to visit the Ironstar dwarves or heading to and from Darnagal.