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Coke Worker

With the discovery and mass-production of steel, the fires of industry are raging in Isturoth. To help facilitate this growing industry, coal has been largely replaced with coke, which burns hotter and for longer than its predecessor.   It's production is one of the roughest jobs available in Isturoth. It is physically demanding, extremely dangerous and isn't viewed very highly in Isturian society.



These individuals are a necessary part of coke production. Coke feeds almost every other industry that involves furnaces, forges and manufacturing.

Social Status

In the manufacturing and smelting industry, this profession is probably viewed in the least favourable light. In the southern kingdom of Kur'Taloth, where mining and manufacturing are a bigger part of the industry, these kinds of labour-intensive jobs have a little more respect attached to them than they would in northern Vašira. However coke workers remain an unappreciated yet vital part of the production process.



Coal facilities are always very dangerous and destructive places. Coal dust and the sound of heavy machinery fills the air. The hours are long and the furnaces rage almost constantly, as the costs of getting an oven back to its high temperatures once it cools is too great.

Dangers & Hazards

As previously mentioned, coal dust is difficult to avoid in any coal refinery or smelter. Without adequate breathing equipment, coke workers will suffer lifelong medical problems, particularly difficulty in breathing.   In addition, the risk of accidental fires or explosions due to built-up pressure are ever-present. This is compounded by the fact that heavy and dangerous machinery is required to crush and cook the coal. Mistakes or misuse means that workers can get injured or die.

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