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In Isturoth, the process of death must always be treated with reverance: this means interring them in the earth. Only by being buried are they able to be re-incorporated into the cycle of life and death. Therefore, any natural carrion is reviled as sacreligious.   The main offender in this area are the vulture-like birds that soar above the mountain peaks, looking for the body of a deceased animal or person to pick clean. Also referred to as a "corpse-flayers", the ravagers are an unpleasant site to Isturians, particularly when they circle their prey in flocks.

Basic Information


Ravagers resemble most other birds of prey in appearance. They have large talons and sharp peaks to pick flesh off the bones of their prey, sharp eyes and a wide wingspan. The most notable difference is their unique feather patterns that give them an intense look about them. From a distance, they are recognisable by their crest that runs along the top of their head and halfway down their back, almost appearing as if they have a mohawk.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While the Ravagers are carnivorous birds and will eat anything from fish to small animals, they are most commonly observed circling the dead from the sky or picking at their remains. They serve a vital function in the mountain ecosystem, despite the fact that Isturians would not agree with this, seeing them more as a pest or lowly scavenger.


It is not uncommon for Ravagers to circle their prey in the sky, even before it has expired. Exhausted wanderers on the brink of collapse or starving animals must fend off the patient advances of a Ravager as it waits for its meal. This has led to the false conclusion by many that the Ravagers are omens or harbingers of death, or that they somehow have an extrasensory ability to see when death is fast approaching.

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