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Redrock Watch

When the volcano known as "Velketum" first exploded in ash and smoke, there were a great many fears for those in the valley below, which was populated by towns and farms. Velketum continued to spew noxious fumes and bubble angrily, and the Isturians in the way of the potential magma flow waited anxiously with bated breath while many others fled for their very lives.   Eventually, it was decided that a party of brave guardspeople would travel up the side of the volcano to assess the risk. After a time, they returned with the news that eruption was still possible. As a solution to their troubles, a temporary, ramshackle outpost was established near the peak and outfitted with drums, bells and a signal fire, so that they would be able to warn the valley below that an eruption was impending. This was never meant to last more than a month.   Decades later, the outpost still stands, though it has gradually become more reinforced and better outfitted over time. Redrock Watch stands in defiance of the forces of nature. Some even believe that the eruption was stalled because of the Watch's construction, that those who watch the lava bubbling and boiling are keeping it from spilling over just by their surveillance.   The guards who man the outpost are greatly revered for their vigilance and their sacrifice, since it is entirely possible that, at any moment in time, the volcano may decide to erupt completely and demolish the Watch and any within its walls.


Redrock Watch now resembles something closer to an actual guard outpost, rather than the meager construction it began life as. A belltower looks out over both the valley and the volcano crater, easily letting one sound the alarm if the severity of the geological activity increases to a concerning degree.

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