The Battle of Earth and Water Military Conflict in The Lost Realms | World Anvil
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The Battle of Earth and Water

During the War of Ashes, there are hundreds of tales of conquest and massacres, heroes and villains, bravery and sorrow. One was known as the Battle of Earth and Water, an incredible struggle between two sides while battling against the elements themselves.

The Conflict


The growing kingdom of Melovakh and the smaller nation of Kishani were engaged in a brutal conflict that had reached a head at a Kishani stronghold, perched upon the steep slope of a mountain. Most other Kishani fortresses had already fallen and this was the last bastion remaining, the final holdout of Kishani.


Days of rain had made travel and troop maneuvers extremely difficult. What should have been a straightforward seige had dramatically increased in complexity and difficulty, and took twice the amount of time.


By the time soldiers from Melovakh had reached the fortress, the rains had increased in intensity. The wet conditions had made rocks start to slip, and beneath the ground, the dirt was preparing for significant movements.

The Engagement

When Melovakh forces arrived, they make an attempt to scale the walls and batter the front gates, with little success due to the heavy rain and muddy ground. Kishani soldiers manage an adequate defence for some time, but also struggle with visibility and fortifications.   Melovakh troops retreat after a day and assesses their next moves. Meanwhile, the fortress has begun to feel the effects of the weather conditions. Kishani forces attempt to make repairs as discreetly as possible. Eventually, though, it could not be ignored by the encroaching Melovakh soldiers that the stronghold was starting to crumble. The decision was made to await a suitable opening when the deterioration grew too great for those holed up inside to maintain.   After a few days, the opportunity came. The land itself started to slip and much of the surrounding wall came away. Melovakh forces were ready and launched an assault. However, shortly after making their way into the stronghold, a mudslide swept down the mountainside and flooded the battered fortress. An evacuation of both Melovakh and Kishani soldiers followed immediately, with the tide of wet earth enveloping much of them. This soon proved to be too much for the battlements and the ground on which they stood. The land gave up and most of the stronghold started to slide down the mountain in a surge of mud and stone.   With an evacuation plan already in place, a portion of the Kishani forces survived the disaster, however the conquering forces of Melovakh were not so lucky and were mostly wiped out. This forced an all-out retreat.


While the Kishani forces no longer had any military strongholds or places to fight back invasion, the battle was acknowledged and respected by Melovakh rulership, who did not wish to seek out and track down remaining traces of Kishani military forces. An agreement was made to allow Kishani ownership of their own small region, as a part of the greater kingdom of Melovakh.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type

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