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The Vathi Star

In Isturian Polytheism, the Vathi Star is the most accepted symbol to represent the pantheon of deities in the Isturian religion.   The Vathi Star also serves to illustrate the theological cosmology, the hierarchy and layout of the planes that are inhabited by the gods and by people. In the centre dwells the three deities that represent the interests of the Isturian people: Barud, Akhmat and Xasan. These gods are thought to live amongst people and guide them.   Far above the mortal world but not completely removed from it, usually considered "beyond the clouds", is the realm inhabited by Kohra, who keeps a constant vigil, defending those below from threats. Mirroring this, below the mortal realm in halls of rock and earth, slumbers the God of Time Drevok. From there, they are able to monitor the passage of time and the flow of life and death in the world above ground.   While more elusive and detached from the mortal world, they still observe and monitor it from their respective locations.   Far below Drevok, tunneling through the ground and sending angry bouts of flame and magma to the surface, Jokhosh rages. Their domain is seen as the deepest, darkest place imaginable, inaccessible by any other beings. They exist in their own space, either oblivious or uncaring for the life above.   Likewise, in the incalculable void beyond the sky, dwells the mysterious and shapeless Jura. They are rarely depicted in humanoid form, for their nature is unknowable and vast. They, too, are so removed from the mortal world that they have no real concern for the trivial lives and problems of those that live there. It is they that write the pages of destiny, that roll the decide to decide people's fates, indifferent to the results.   The Vathi Star comes in many different forms and has evolved over the years, but the fundamental philosophy and symbology surrounding it has largely remained the same. Some prefer to have the domains of Jokhosh and Jura as a conjoined part of the star, while others feel uncomfortable with their inclusion and prefer to leave them as floating portions that are separate from the main star. Normally, the three that represent the level of the mortal world are given the most priority and often have the largest segment.

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