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The Watchers

In the Isturian pantheon, one of the gods that doesn't receive as much attention as the others is Jura, the God of Fate. Their portfolio includes luck, destiny, astrology, secrets and mysteries, as well as the unknown. Many see this mysterious deity as a harbinger of disaster and tragedy, while others see them as a fairly temperamental god and would prefer to leave them to their business rather than risk incurring their ire.   There is one group that explicitly observes worship of Jura, an isolated order of monks that are known for their strange ways and strict rules, the most notable of which is that they are not allowed to speak. Thought it was originally created by priests of Drevok, the Watchers have adopted the use of Stonespeech to communicate with one another and the outside world.


Most monks who join the ranks of the Watchers seek to learn the secrets of the universe and maintain balance in the universe. They largely try to separate themselves from the social and political troubles of the world, instead dedicating themselves to study and meditation, hoarding all manner of dangerous secrets.   They fiercely guard their secrets, and their initiates refrain from drawing attention to them­selves.    Not all monks dwell within monasteries, however. Some travel the world in secret, searching for hidden truths. Many use secret signals to enable them to find safe lodging with other worshipers nearly anywhere. Most of these individuals will return to their monastery, to impart and donate the knowledge they have gained, but some continue to roam, becoming nomadic founts of knowledge, only accessible to other Watchers.

Tenets of Faith

Tied into their fath are the rules set forth by the group's creators. These set the values for all the monks in the Watchers:
  • Devoting oneself to the withholding of knowledge is a blessing and a curse, and heavy with responsibility.
  • Learning the greatest secrets and keep them is an act of true selflessness and serves the greater public.
  • Knowledge is power. Only by learning the secrets of the universe can one hold the balance of power.
  • The greatest truths of the world and beyond remain unknown.
Religious, Monastic Order

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