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Amsa, the Unseen City, is the capital of the Gold-Dwarves on the Azarhian continent, and the sole city of dwarves that thrive in the middle of the desert. It is a vast city shaped by the masterful hands of the dwarves. As dwarven cities go, it is relatively new, but that does by no means make it a young city, having endured the test of time for more than three thousand years. The culture here has developed differently from most dwarves, departing both in ways of day-to-day life, and in the ancient dwarven arts of stonework and runecraft. The city itself consists of seven layers, going all the way from Akh-Duat, ‘the Cave of Light’, to the ancient Deep Road far beneath the sands. Each layer represents a shift in societal status, having the Radiant Council’s Court residing in the very heart of the city: The Pyramid, Mer-Amsa. For each layer down from Akh-Duat things become poorer, until you hit the very bottom where the poorest live, far away from the beloved light that radiates through most of the undercity.

Sunside. A place of trade, stables, and a small topside city. The local population simply call it Sunside, but to most visitors this is Amsa, as they never see the undercity proper. While populated mostly by dwarves, the city holds different species that have settled over time, mostly on Sunside. There are even parts of the city that hold a majority of humans or elves, known respectively as Emberfield Lodgings and Silvertear Oasis.

Mer-Amsa pyramid

  Mer-Amsa itself is a marvel, and the testament of the Amsa-dwarves brilliance with glasswork. Atop the enormous building sits a vast crystalline glass structure, capturing the light of day and sending it down through a series of magical lenses that spread the light through most of the undercity. Due to this, Amsa has one of the very few undercities that experience real night and day. The building itself is mirrored underground, piercing into the undercity’s Akh-Duat, where the majority of the upper class live.

The seven layers of the city

  Akh-Duat, the first layer of the undercity. Above the central cave rests Mer-Amsa, held in place by powerfully enchanted steelworks connected to the sides of the cave. Between the cave opening and Mer-Amsa there are great planes of glass, letting sunlight down into the central cave. Instead of traditional lamps or crystals to light the night, enchanted glass lanterns are found across the streets, storing sunlight until night comes. The wealthiest merchants, and thus the ruling class, mostly reside in Akh-Duat near the central pyramid. Akh-Duat hosts the Priesthood of the Sun. This is also where most of the city’s social services and law-houses reside. Spread out across Akh-Duat you find the caves to the other pyramids, which serve as temples, and the great Duat-payum- a great lake that serves as a food and water source for the city.

Atum’Hu-Duat, the Cave of Gods’ Creation, is the second layer, and the first where Mer-Amsa creates the light that shines through, illuminating the great caves. Instead of one great cave, there is a network of streets, with the occasional open square. It is a place rich with colors and smells, where local markets are full of life and excitement. The light is harnessed from the pyramid with reflectors spread around the streets.
  Gomril-Duat, Cave of the Shield Dwarf. This layer has been set to house the other dwarf-populations of the city, including several embassies and a great temple to Moradin Forgefather. It consists of a few carved caverns tied together by hewed paths. It is distinct in that it primarily feels like a traditional dwarf undercity. They also use the light of the pyramid in this layer.
  Akh-Tuta, Last Light. Here live workers and lower middle class members of society. Akh-Tuta hosts most of the menial work that are deemed unworthy of the upper classes. It hosts a great temple where the last light of the pyramid shines out across the great cavern from a singular glass orb, illuminating the central parts brightly, and letting the edges fade to shadow. Akh-Tuta is home to the majority of criminal gangs of Amsa, who use the many small passageways between the tiers to deal in illegal trade from the Deep Road to Sunside.
  Djedapy - River Spine. Here one of the few rivers that run under the desert crosses the city. Irepu, the river, is narrow, but there are some cave-fish to be found for those desperate enough. The tier is home to the lower commoners, workers and the poor. No sunlight reaches this far deep, and so the cave is lit by rune-carved crystals and the few mushrooms that can thrive in this land. Criminals rarely dwell here, due to the layer underneath, and so it is surprisingly safe and calm despite being the home of those who are worst off.
  Duatsa, the Protected Cave, is a place of military might. As the sixth tier it serves as a barrier between the Deep Road and the city, and it is primarily inhabited by the city’s guards and military. Its great gilded gate faces the downward spiral that leads to the Deep Road. There is a small office here to receive whomever comes by this way and ensure they have the right of entry.
  Khemuat - ‘Dark Road’, the lowest part of the city. Here lie vagabonds, the homeless and the exiled who have yet to embark anywhere. Those who dwell here do not do so by choice, as there are no accommodations, no hideout, just the hard stone and the endless dark of the Deep Roads, unlit and unwelcoming.

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