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Borrin Farstrider

Borrin Farstrider

Borrin is a former clanmember of the Umberwood Tribe, who now travels the land in search for a place to do good. While a lot of civilisation is a struggle to him, he does not mind being underestimated. He knows himself, and that is all that matters now. His magic is all about beast spirits. The vines he summons look snake-like, the fire bolt are angry fireflies, the shadows he beckons are those of an owl's wings that deadens sound and light. Having spent a vast amount of time alone, with only animals for company, he is both scared and thrilled to be in the company of people once more.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall, burly built fellow. He is broad across hist belly and have long stury legs. His hands are quite large for his arms, being able to easily hold around a smaller person's head. Despite his being on the weaker side of Firbolgs, he can easily carry up to 163 kgs, and enjoys physical labour.

Body Features

Across his body he has a thin layer of fur that grows longer certain places, making him slightly fuzzy. In periods spent at the road these patches of fur quickly gather dirt and grime.

Facial Features

Broad set features. A long thick nose, and a small scar between his upper lip and nostrils. A dark red beard follows his jawline, all the way up to the ears. It is streaked with white, much like his hair.

Personality Characteristics


Restoring a sense of identity after losing his family, and overcoming the fear of society that the loss instilled in him. Seeks to uphold his clan honor, and follow the tenets that has guided his existence since he was a child. It has become difficult, honesty in an dishonest world feels like exposing himself.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Struggles to understand society. There are too many new laws and ways of doing things. People are too short, some are shorter still. He misses home daily.

Virtues & Personality perks

He values individual competence, and refutes birthrights. Dismissive of social hierarchies. Nature is neither good nor bad, but there are many creature's in Her fold that cannot defend themselves, and it is only right to stand by them.

Vices & Personality flaws

His anger, once awakened, is slow to settle. Does keep most people at arm's length. Dismisses many of society's virtues, judging in mostly for its vices.

Personality Quirks

When drunk he rants about all the friends he has made (animals). Likes making people slightly uncomfortable, especially at the cost of his own social standing.


He smells like earth and wood, firesmoke and herbs. Its not perfume. He is covered in grime and dirt.


Contacts & Relations

He has helped several animals on his journey across the land. While there are many that would help him in return, there are just as many that see him as just another person, untrustworthy. Crone Umber, a green hag-troll that has protected her realm and its denizens for untold centuries. While at a relatively neutral term with the firbolgs of the forests, Borrin made an effort to appease her and offer her gifts from outside the woods. She has mentored him in the ways of the Spirit-Caller. Unknown to Borrin, she has been a protector of several Firbolg clans ever since the exodus from the Feywild, many, many centuries ago.

Family Ties

The Umberwood clan. Deceased.

Religious Views

Guided between the tenets of the Firbolgs, and Crone Umber's teachings of nature, Borrin is a fierce protector of the weak and undertrod. While he follows no real religion, nor serves any particular divine, he has a strong set of morals. Nature's Balance: understanding that nature is neither one thing or another, it simply is. Understanding that life blooms, and it withers. That the untold spirits of the world seek purpose, and that to guide them to rest is the holiest of duties. Understanding that nature can be cruel, and sometimes it is best to fight it. The Firbolg Code: Bravery, Effort, and Honor over birth. The tribe's honor over yours. The blood of the runt is the blood of a king. Give a thousand for nothing. Truth is the honor of the tribe.


Slow and steady, Borrin sometimes seem to hum his way through sentences. This carries through in all the langueages he speaks, from Giant to Sylvan. His accent is notoriously uncommon in Elvish.

Wealth & Financial state

Has little wealth, and although he lives well on his own, he squanders what he has once in towns.

A tall fellow with a friendly disposition. Travels the world in hopes to do some good.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Last of the Umberwood clan. Farstrider.
Red with white streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft blue, lightly furred

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Cavebound Storms

Brig appear with Goat. Small chat about how Raddish came to be hers. Revealed she -killed- previous owner somehow, won't say more. Claims she went to find goat to ride. We enter cave to explore entry area.   Barrel of bugs. Magic staff (sword). Wind and thunder. Conflict. Healing.   Statue. Climbing lizard. Slate with Abyssal, not mychonid. Brig understands Mychonid ruins. Mychonid God - ?. Hidden room, chest of plants. Chest is carriable.   Cavernous, watery. Equipment.

- Brig's Heroic Escapades! -

Dearest brig has returned! I, truly, did not expect her story. The fact that none of us noticed.... I feel awful. Nonetheless, I have been asked to document this, so that we can send it to Brig's fair crush. So that we can remember how heroic Brig is.

Bear Beginnings

My feet are still so sore I am near bursting with the urge to use foul language. While I am WILLING to believe Robin was simply a bit unfortunate with that door, I still insist on teaching him a lesson when the occasion rises. Spirits my toes hurt! A trapped door! With a resetting trap! That sends BOULDERS DOWN TO WHERE I WAS STANDING! And the foes behind it! I SWEA-(the following are a series of incomprehensible scribbles, Borrin being far too angry to write cohesively) Apologies. I needed to let that out. What a day! We met a bear, in fact we met a whole gathering of bears! We were just headed into the forest, hoping to catch a bandit or two I believe, the foot is still dazing me a bit. But along the way we found weird tracks, bear paws but far too spaced apart to be a common bear. Its path led away from the human tracks, but we, partly me, insisted on checking it out! And what a lovely time we had. The river we found, families of bears, peaceful bears mind! We would not have approached otherwise. They were all quite ordinary bears, browns and blacks and grizzlies I think i spotted. We fished a bit, Robin swam and caught what I can only describe as a Respectful amount of salmon, any bear-cub would do well to learn from his feline grace. I got a moment with Thaeldir, and frankly it was needed. It is good to sit sometimes, just enjoying the company and a good cup of tea. Within some time we noticed the outlier, a tall bear with a scarred countenance. We tried to befriend him! Alas, both Robin and I appear to have 'grumpy bear' repellent, so our attempts had to be considered a serious failure. It came down to Thaeldir, who had to try to coax some information from the lad. And what information! Paid in food (grumpiness explained, he struggles to catch it) to attack the nearby settlement. What outrage! As soon as my foot heals we are going to get in this blasted mine and teach them some well needed lessons. Well, the bear agreed, at last, to guide us to the bandit lair, for the price of an amulet that it seeks to get back. A worthwhile deal. While he stepped aside before we reached the end - and we saw it. An empty area, mining equipment, and The Door. The blasted door. We scouted quickly, got control of the area, and approached. Me and Robin. The Door. Nope, can't do it, thinking about it makes my toes throb. Some nasties came out of it though! After tiring of our ridiculous behavior - and we smashed them properly! Haha! I know, I know, I should not gloat, it is not a healthy habit, but I am in a foul mood- but oh! My tea is ready. Give me but a moment, and I shall be soothed once more.   Until later, my dearests, be the wind.  

Hasty Judgement

Let me begin with an apology, dear ancestors. The past days has been rife with activity and I have not felt wholly in command of myself, I struggle to keep track of the past days. A strange worm stirs in me, rage flickers in and out as fear and outrage takes root in my heart. My temper soars quickly, making me a poor companion and judge of character. The Code decrees us to live with honor, to be brave and to give freely, including understanding and kindness. I regret I have acted rashly, and in manners ill befitting the sole living member of the Umberwood Clan. Were you but here to guide me. But I am old enough to tend to myself, I know. Youthful ignorance has not been an excuse for many decades now; I just wish it was easier. I near maimed a soul that had not earned such a fate. Ach, I waste precious time. The sun is setting over the fields, and my eyesight does not compare to my companions. I shall endeavor to tell you of this day. We rose with the sun's greeting, having slept in the druids' grove. Daefir, the elf we saved from an owlbear, had been seen to by the grove' caretakers, his wounds mended. We had each of us sought out knowledge, conversing at different places, when we were made aware of Thaeldir's return! She sought us out through the woods, and came to us. Alas, at this time I had been made aware of Daefir's awakening, and acted in a manner ill befitting me. Within short time I had started threatening him on his life, attempting to crush his lungs with my foot. I vaguely remember Brig and Thaeldir being there, trying to keep things civil perhaps. At some point I realized that Daefir was not the scoundrel I had led myself to believe. He was an previous member of this unholy group, now on the run from the cult. He sought only survival, and shared much of what he knew. Apparently the sickly that we have considered plagued are, I grieve to say, dead. The spores hold on to them, forcing the bodies to move and act at the will of cult members. This plot is lead by some wicked entity, unclear to us all. Daefir has agreed to join our cause, at least. Convinced to help us reach out to our prestigious contact and lead her to the druids' grove. After the way I treated him, I am glad he saw fit to do so. The druid that had spent so much time tending to him did not enjoy my presence at all after my effort. At this point Thaeldir could finally tell us of what had transpired in the days hence. She has found a cabin near the Hag's Inn, mostly a ruin. The items she brought from that place seemed unpleasant and suspicious... we were all terribly confused about some small wrapped snacks, that seemed all to innocent. Robin said they tasted very sweet. She also brought a goblet! It seemed bad. After giving it a taste, I could confirm, it was bad. She also found a beautiful piece of armor, one that belonged to a previous member of the Circle we preside in. The poor lad has surely been slaughtered. Thaeldir kept the armor, deciding to honor his fall. So that was at least something. Thaeldir wishes to return to the cabin, later, to figure out where the owner, a hag, could be. A part of me dreads this, I am all too familiar with Hags and their bargains. After a while we set out again, heading that final stretch back to the Hag's Inn - and then to that coastal hamlet we have been trying to get to. What we did NOT expect to find, was that the owner of the Hag's Inn would be so suspicious, and after Thaeldir snapped at her we had reason to suspect ... complications. And so! We set out,

Tracks! Lost. New Tracks!

(Slight rewrite at Fri. 27th October) Dearests! I am rejuvenated! I rebound! Feel you the wind, the water, the earth itself flow with vitality? Life ebbs through me, breathes me, holds me in Her embrace. Finally we are in the Wilds, safe and sound in a small Grove, tended to by the Circle of the Moon, and a great step forward in our mission! That is, if we can make this Daefir fellow talk. What a day it has been, what a day. Admittedly, it might do me good to start at the beginning, lest we lose ourselves to my enthusiasm and miss all the excitement of the day. A note, in the morning, found by Brig, told us that our dear Thaeldir had set out on her own path, with a promise to return overmorrow, if not sooner. What this mission might entail was kept hidden, and I must admit to some curiosity as to what she is up to. Nonetheless, the rest of us had to make do! The Hag's Inn was a welcome stop in the cursed woods, but it is not a place worth lingering in overlong. As we tried to gather information from the innkeep, Fenris ushered me outside to share a secret. Discreetly I led our companions outside, as to not arouse suspicion inside, where Fenris shared interesting news! Deafir, the merchant from the sewers, stank with grotesque smell of plague! Unfortunately he seems to have snuck out the backdoor by the time we reentered- leading me to possibly have to accept that guile and sneakery has never been my greatest strength. It was much easier to trick all of you, dearests. You were so very Old. Nevertheless! We set to the path! Following the rapscallion into the deep woods! And sure, Robin and Brig might have hesitated, might have asked of the value of running head first into a dark, murderous wood full of unknown terrors but for the sake of an unknown, but I shall have to be frank, I am as bullheaded as you knew me to be. I set my foot down, and the poor souls were dragged by my side into the gloom. One day I shall be wise and know to think of risk and concern, but for now, a clue! And clues are far between in these dire lands. After a few hours the tracks were gone, only a vague sense of north to lead me on; even I had to admit some sense of caution when we spotted other tracks, not elf but wolves, and a direwolf. A new plan, however, hatched. Might not this be helpful! Why fear the wolves! We can simply talk to them! At this point we found it prudent to use stealth; and I might have to admit to you that I felt very bad when looking at little Brig covered in dirt, looking so unhappy and lost and untrusting. Had she known me as you did, she would NOT hesitate to believe me when I say I won't get us lost! Bah, I must be kinder with them both, they have little reason to trust me yet. Have I told you that she is not one of nature’s children? As a proper dwarf (or so I have been told) she is a master of stone and cities. What she is not is an outdoorswoman- and so we set to the task of helping her blend in with nature. In the end she looked like a little brush! It is a wonder what a few branches, leaves and mud can do to someone so short! Gracefully, mostly, we crept forward. And when I say mostly, I primarily speak of Robin’s habit of… well, chasing the shadow-owls that I summoned. One would think it would be a problem but he manages to be so quiet as to become near shadow himself! Although there is a lesson to be learned here. Careful with summoning critters and small birds. He is as smart as they come, but the gods have not taken away his killer-instincts- even where they are deeply unnecessary. With Robin stalking the trees above, Brig hiding with Fenris, and me, made as wolf, we came to the clearing of the wolf pack. I shan't say much. It was a hard effort, to display the necessary deference to that grand beast that we came to know as Snow. But you would have loved him! By the Spirit of All, such was his magnificence, i found myself dreaming of being in his pack truly. Tall as my true self, with fur of silver and a jaw filled with daggersharp teeth. Unfortunately I was not able to keep Snow pleased towards the end, and only the quick thinking of Robin saved us. Like a shadow he slipped down from a nearby tree and calmed the situation. His otherbeastly appearance must have inspired enough of an interest to let us leave without trouble. However! Knowledge was attained! Deafir, the cur, had been ravaged by Snow himself, only to flee towards a grove of Druids! Yes, the selfsame that we now rest in. Now, it must be said, I sometimes forget that Brig cannot speak with animals. It was not until I had yipped, growled and barked for over ten minutes that I noticed that Brig was simply... staring at me and Robin. And that my entire enthusiastic monologue about our current way ahead had been ushered down poor Fenris's ears, who really had little to say about it. I of course slid out of Wolf to actually tell her where we were headed. She graciously accepted my lead. She does not seem herself when she graciously accepts my lead. We should get her out of the woods. Following the path northeast we found the Grove. It seemed like Brig and Robin came to life! So quickly was Brig undressed and bathing in water that I think she missed the entire crocodile that was in the water already- yet, she is not so easily rattled- a bath was needed, and a bath she would have. And Robin seemed to near purr at the mighty catlike druid named Pagiz! While the tone might have been one-sided, it was fun to see Robin so animated about something other than mushrooms. While there we learned more. The Elf had been through here! Wounded and in need of aid, he had healed up and left; but not just that. His backpack contained a large quantity of mushrooms, which he was very determined not to let the druids inspect. And not just that! Our quarry, the elf-brother Elion we had come to find, passed through this very path in weeks past! We were set to follow their chosen road, but darkness was coming fast. So, we took the time to rest for the night. I was sadly too busy getting to know some of the druids to write, and I can but hope this makes up for it. It was pleasant, that night, first since we arrived here in this accursed wood. If only Thaeldir had been with us. Nonetheless, Robin purred and smooth-talked Pagiz, while Brig got a friendly tone with the novice druid named Gilwynn, which looked disturbingly alike her. I even had the chance to bother the poor ranger! He punched me! Hah! Delightful. Although Brig did see to it that I not embarrass us too much, by leading me away with a stern hand (gods she is strong). The following day we set out to follow Daefir. We near gave up when we stumbled upon a cavern. It was, to our dismay, an Owlbear den. While I would love to pretend that I was brave and would have wanted to venture down to meet the owner, that was not the truth, no. In fact I had every plan to turn and lead us safely away after jesting with my friends. If only it had not been that damned scream. We knew not who it was, only that it was someone in need, in an owlbear's den. Of course, as our luck had it, it was Daefir himself. A cub's plaything now! A plan hatched, an idea brewed, the empowered Robin ran with his fierce speed, faster than wind- truly faster, it was over before I could notice it begin! -and caught Daefir in his arms, dashed out, and was well and safely away. Now it only remained for us to actually catch up! It was no easy thing, and for every step I tried to halt the mother-beast, my plans failed. I find it hard to accept that my story could have ended there that day. We were not prepared for a fight, and I am not sure if I could have escaped even as a Badger under the ground. Willing to ensure that my newfound friends could get away, my feet stood firm as I was a bit too ready to defy the beast alone. My possible last stand was foiled, however, by the bravery and wit of my two friends. It is weird, I admit, to not be alone anymore. It has been so long since you left me, I forget what it is like to work together. With just enough room to escape, I made myself the sturdiest Horse I could be, and let myself be climbed by Brig and the cargo (can we call someone cargo?) and galloped as fast as my hooves would let me, Robin and Fenris at my sides. And now, finally, we are here, back in the Grove. My feet hurt, my HANDS hurt- gods I ran as fast as I could as Horse, but now I desperately need to find someone to share a cup of tea with. Also, I am pretty sure I spotted a living mushroom in Fenris mouth as we came here… I should deal with that. Spirits, I need that tea.   May you flow as the rivers.

Into the Darkness

Ancestors preserve me, I do not think I am going to get the stench of the sewers out of my nose in a good long while. Its been a long day since we set out from the city, and more than a day since my last entry. Forgive me my tardiness, dearest ones. Much has happened! I barely know where to start, so I shall choose to begin, as one should, where we left off. Sewers. Or, at least, the anticipation of sewers. Having said goodbye to Adelaide, we decided to take a small break before entering that pit of darkness beneath the ladder. I chose to nap, trying to ignore the lingering stench of death. What I failed to anticipate in my sojourn to the realm of dreams, was waking up to the absence of friend Yazuno! Gone, like a sly fox in the night. Neither Brig nor Thaeldir had seen him slip away. While I truly had hoped to see him warm up to us, he never quite settled easy. Nonetheless, we had little choice. While a blow to our little ragtag group, it would not be fatal to our mission; and, dearest ones, good news were to come! But not yet, be patient. The sewers proved a terribly dark place, unyielding in darkness. Thaeldir and Brig proved helpful here, their eyes might not see as far as mine in daylight, but they are as sharp as owls in the dark. As I huddled around a flame, they scouted around, and spotted a curious wanderer coming our direction. As we had heard nothing much of life here, it was worth a check. A bald-headed elf, seeming shifty and too clever. Thaeldir did not at all like him. He offered a map, much wanted, of the sewers, for outrageous prices. I have come to understand what a wage is in recent weeks, and to demand so much! I curse money and all who wield it as a weapon! Nonetheless, some smooth words and the sound of coin from our well-off dwarf saved me from embarrassing myself. He was also willing to part with a decent set of herbalist supplies, much wanted in my long travels. I might not have a singular coin to my name now, but I can make a mean mushroom stew or healing potion, come the ingredients. Oh, and he offered information - wererats, would you believe, exist here. Deciding that our best course of action would be to find a shortcut to our own 'home', we headed southwards. After a while in the dark we stumbled upon a new figure, and I shall tell you truly, it was a most magnificent cat! Great and powerful, its hue shining in my torchlight. It was blue, with deep stripes and a wonderful thick fur. I spoke to it in the Tongue of the Wilds, and it returned with such eloquence! I could but admire him, being utterly distracted, when a vast and ghastly rat appeared! Thinking at first that it was within reason, I spoke to it too. It snarled insanity, frothing with rage. I acted fast, as a I saw what could easily be the Beast-Rage, and hoped to cure it of its illness. Dear ones, it is then I learned why the city was so troubled - for my magics failed me entirely. The disease held strong, denying my powers. I had but time to organize my thoughts when the others, very helpfully, set to attack it with decisive and brief violence. Its death a relief, I am sure, to itself most of all. The tiger, as I have learned is the name of his animal-form, is actually a tabashki(?? must ask Thaeldir for help on how to write this), a catlike folk from the north, and his name is Robin. By his opening statements alone I know more of him than I do any of my companions! What a strange thing to find here, such open and true personality. He carries a magical tome, sentient in some way. It knows of mushrooms! And once it knows of what mushroom you ask, it is willing to part knowledge of it! A speaking tome, what a fascinating object. While we were distracted with the curious growths on the rat, analyzing them with Robins book, Brig and Thaeldir set out to get Adelaide. The poor dwarf, her eyes look like they are going to combust whenever she thinks of Adeilaide, so excited is she. I have caught myself wondering how old my companions are, for I have not taken the time to ask. Is she truly as young as she seems sometimes? She reminds me of someone, someone lost to me. A vague memory of a face, alight with joy. I wonder what Thaeldir looks like when she is not scowling, or focusing, or distrusting, or worrying. Do you think she laughs like other mortals? Or does it sound like bubbles under water speeding to the surface? We will learn, I hope, in time. They spent some time finding Adelaide, allowing Robin and I to examine the rat and the fey-looking fungi growing on it. I can but assume that the fungi is the cause of the madness, and why it resisted my magic. Also! He examined my magic mushroom, and apparently it lets you read minds! I have taken some time to brew it to a potion with it, although I suspect it will requite a strong stomach to use well, magic mushrooms are rarely good for your tummy. When Adelaide showed up it was with both sweet Lemon and dear Fenris at her rear, and her excitement would leave aunt Brittle in a fizzle, to put it that way. Apparently this marks a breakthrough in her process. She spoke to Robin at length, his knowledge of the mushrooms and disease far surpass mine. As they conversed on and on, I noticed that Thaeldir does not share in mine or Brig's enthusiasm for Adelaide. She frequently has a distrustful look on her face, as if waiting for a dark surprise, a nighttime ambush. Nonetheless, a conclusion was made! To bring the monstrous rat to a safe storage location, so that Adelaide and her team of researchers can have a look at it. Brig, singlehandedly carried it all the way! Her strength was near supernatural, some would say. Mightily impressive! (I may have had a touch in the matter, a careful nudge and a gift from brother Bear) That would mark the end of our adventures that day, and I shall not lament you with all the boring details of an evening spent relaxed in our living room, legs stretched out, drinks shared between Dwarf and Human; of finding my beast-skin and snuggling up to Lemon and Robin; of Thaeldir enjoying cocoa in her quiet manner while Fenris rested close by; or of entering a game of cards late in the night and losing four whole buttons; of peace, of homeliness. Of missing you all.   Instead I shall torment you with this day. Today. This harrowing journey. I must be brief, for merely thinking about this forests has me clenching every muscle in my body. We, including Robin and Fenris, left for the sewers again. There we walked a path familiar to Robin, leading us to a ramshackle cabin outside the city-walls. This is were the horrors begin. We came out to a forest full of unnatural decay, of a cruel and malicious rot. I saw no birds, heard no beasts; in all directions off of the path, fungi of types and colors I have never seen. I doubt we could see the end of them if we tried. Peering through the trees revealed nothing but darkness, and that dull glow of more and more growths. We have had to walk through the day on a path that should take us to a village to the east, one Robin knows. The forest moves. I swear it on all the names I have ever worn. I never catch it directly, but as we walked for hours I swear I saw shapes shift among the fungi. The rot is deep. We walked for nearly an entire day and it has yet to let up. It permeates every strip of the forest that we have seen. The relief I felt when we saw a civilized place was deeply unlike me, but I am more than ready to leave the forest, if only for a brief stay at a roadside inn. The Hag's Inn, as foreboding as it sounds. There is life here, and although it does not feel like a welcoming place, this is a most desired respite from the darkness outside.   I shall return to the others. Ancestors give me strength.

Charming Introductions

I have but a brief moment while Adelaide is looking at this mushroom I found (potentially magical! Assuredly not predictable to eat), so I must be brief. We have had an eventful start to this day! Armed with new magics we 'retrieved' from a mansion, Yazuno managed to walk as an elf amid the crowds, finally escaping notice. He seems more at ease. We set out to find this University where a scholar apparently was to be found, one of the only people trying to look into this plague. We hoped that she would be the clue to finding out more about Elion's fate. And what a delight she proved to be! I know very little of what she spoke of, but looking around her title awoke great appreciation in Brig. She barely closed her mouth after Adelaide started speaking. Clearly Brig understands more of this than me, as she spoke of fanciful things like bilogy and anatamy. While the words are strange, she seems knowledgeable about disease and mending, a healer in the true sense. Her knowledge of the city was also helpful! Although I lost track several times as she spoke of sewers and catacombs and more. While there I could not help but notice the beautiful cat she had, a mighty panther named Lemon - sweet as a peach. Clearly a fit to the scholar herself, who has been the first one to truly care about solving this plague. Although she did not have a lot to offer about Elion's fate, she did have a clue as to where to start. The catacombs. Dreadful place, as she described it. Here they lay their dead to rot, far from the touch of nature, unable to become part of it again. I have learned not to judge society too much, but I cannot see reason within locking their dead in stone boxes; never to join the great whole again. As we arrived here we had a small mishap, where Thaeldir met a most unhelpful statue. It insisting she speak the correct words; Clueless as we were, no matter what she said would be the wrong thing. So, the wrong thing was said, and the walking dead shambled their way to us. After a quick scuffle we had a look around, aiding Adelaide in finding clues as to the whereabout of the missing plague victims. Thaeldir has proved herself a skilled and clever companions, quick to spot new things; followed quickly by Yazuno whose knowledge of hidden symbols led us to conclude that there was a speaking statue that was dangerous, and that there wee many dangers in the coffins! Slightly too late, but good to know. All the while I suspected Brig to be fully lost in her newfound admiration, when she suddenly shouted the word Mimic- only for that unhelpful statue to helpfully move out of the way! I have truly found a good company of allies in these three, although I dont't really understand the purpose of that globe that Yazuno keeps looking at. Brought it the entire way from university even. Must be a mighty item indeed! During this, Fenris had been a very helpful lad. He was brave to join us to all these places, including down here to the catacombs. I am about to ask Adelaide to bring him back up to the University. As I understand it, a sewer is no place for creatures of daylight, and not one of us look forward to going down there. Nonetheless, brave we shall be, as we enter the dreadful, smelly and very, very dark, sewers.   Wish me luck, my loved ones.

Breakings and Enterings

Honesty is two-egged sword. Nonetheless, wield it we must. My clan grew a strong community with this in mind. Honesty. To do wrong, to have misstepped, it is natural. Only through frankness and kindness can we overcome. I remember still the time as a young boy I had broken one of my aunties' favourite talismans, a beautiful eagle-feathered earpiece. I ran and cried, hid in the little wood house. I must have been less than twenty, more than a hundred years ago now. I remember still the kindness of Chief Clearspeaker, whose hands rested on my head as she spoke of accountability, and honor. That we, together, make a community, and we together must make sure our actions are always fair. So, with tears in my eyes I was led to the auntie, stuttered out an apology and promised to be more careful. She never did let me play with her talismans after that, and she never quite forgave me. I have come to know, many years later, why. I shall not blame her. So, off the boat I went with gold and forthrightness! A word to the guard let me off with a hard look and a quick scrabble of my looks - not one to be let out of sight. As if they can miss me as I tower about this city. Poor Thaldir tried the same, the good honest soul that she is, and they were far less favourable! Apparently she got in quite a bit of trouble yesterday, escaping prison. So, they sent her back. The rest of us followed her to the big house they keep the prisoned people in. While Brig figured out some stuff for our very important mission, I spoke to the friendly guard there. For the meager price of a 100 goldpieces they will let her out- unless we fail to pay by the week, in which case she is exiled from the Island. Troublesome, but nonetheless I am willing to help my newfound friend! In the meantime Brig found out where Elion's house was, and we headed there with only a minor stop to check for work- all of it meager household tasks. Salvery! People paying other's to do their household chores, as if they are unable to take care of themselves for all the gold they metaphorically carry. However, the inkeep seemed to know of Jazunos people, which is interesting as he has never spoken of them. Apparently they are a very rare sight in these parts. With Brig impatiently waiting we set to join her towards Elion's house. And what a sight it was! A poor dog was stuck inside, and Jezuno was unable to open the door. In a brilliant move the clever and mighty Brig shattered the glass windows, and even as I soothed the dog, Fenris he called himself, we crept inside. It was a mess. Not unlivable, but very unkempt. Fenris had been alone for two weeks it seemed, living off of the scraps he could find. I fed him my last Harpy leg, I cannot imagine it was very tasty, but who is he to complain. I did, however, fail Chief Clearspeaker once again, as a neighbor required to know what we were doing there, breaking and entering in Elion and Enthyra's home. I did my best to speak the truth, but without Brig to be there I suspect she would have seen through my sweat-slick, quivering voice. May the Clan's honor be forgiven, but this is difficult work. Each lie told, must be repaid in goodness done. But not all was bad! He had interesting things to say, did Fenris. The weird attitude of Elion, and his strong scent, was palpable. It has occurred to me that we might bring him along to look for the scents of the diseased. We might be able to scout for them, and see where the scent leads. This is a long note. My hand is shaky already, and my eyes must rest. Perhaps a cup of tea for the household after this! Oh, and I should see if I can find some nice greens and berries. Elven society seems to share more of my tastes than lovely little Kragg. As Brig went out to scout some more, and explore the city I think, I decided to act on a plan. A very meticolus plan... a plan that required sneakery and cunning. So I fetched Yazuno and persuaded him of the benefits of unburdening those afflicted with a terrible curse; that of immense wealth, from their money. Such people rarely need as much as they have, and rarely earned it in ways that are good to the greater whole. Surprisingly easy to persuade, I snuck onto him as a little ettercop, and we made our way to those houses that serve little to no purpose but to look fine and great, and appealing to Yazuno's hungry eyes And what a hoard! Gold, glitter, hats and cloaks! We were fortunate that my magics held strong, Yazuno could move like a shadow with it, nary a sound not flickering light came alive as he moved. Within the hour we escaped, and finally could we set free Thaldir from that unpleasant room. Now, finally together, I think we shall be able to pursue, properly, the task we were sent to do. Find Elion, and reveal the truth of this mystery plague.   I think of you all, my loved ones. I pray your spirits soar the skies, and that I can do you proud.

Portside Trouble

On the final day of the journey we came across a lost soul, an acolyte of sorts, drifting on the sea. With a bit of help we managed to get her up. My methods of awakening were not appreciated, and she promtly was scurried to safety by Brig. It seems they got along well enough, I hope she will be convinced to join our meager party. I am sure I cannot do much good on my own, but this little team is growing! I wonder what secret skills the acolyte has to offer. I have also attempted to make Yzono more at ease, I don't seem to be doing this well. The poor man has suffered something, scittish in all ways. He is aimless, wandering as gusts across the fields. Maybe he can find purpose with us. 'Us'. A strong word, for a merry band so messy as it is. Nonetheless, we must make do.   We arrive. This so called city is far more vast and intimidating than any I have entered before. It is taking all of my courage to enter it at all. I was hoping to be sly, saveing some gold for the group by making a convoluted plan involving backpacks and donkeys. Our acolyte appears to have some familiar secrets of her own! While the style is different, far more elegant, she nonetheless masters the shape shifting of druids. Enocuraged by her, i entered as a cat. Only too late did i realise how much trouble there was in the city. Guards! Checks! Something about a ravenous disease, eating the countryside. I worry for those outside the walls. I worry for me, for barely getting out of there without being tossed in some dark, damp cell beneath the earth. Brig has suffered at my foolishness, the rest of the party too. I shall endavour to make myself less conspicious from here on. My magic serves me well, but it might be time to return to my roots. As the Laws say, a lie spoken is honor broken, and my clan has little honor left but for me. Fortunately we seem to have made a small headway. Clues. The disease, the lost brother, the catacombs. I must ask Brig to tell me what she knows. I am not one for convoluted plans, but I shall make sure to use my skills in service of the party. Now, to dry my clothes. That final swim back from shore, in the midnight waters, were far too cold for my taste.

New Beginnings

After finally having found a worthy opponent to my journey across the land(The Sea), I've come to realise that there must be a new path ahead. Fortunately there seems to be some issues in the village of Ousling, a missing brother! Quickly offering help, I found a potential aide to this endavour in the charming yet fierce dwarf Brig. I've become ipressed with her natural outgoing nature and ability to befriend new people. Surely she will make a good companion in this adventure. Her temper caught me off guard, but frankly the harpies deserved it. After finding clues and setting sail towards where Elion, the brother, was last seen, I came across a new face hidden in the ship. While the first impression did not strike me as particularily promising (I can still smell, faintly, sick on my shoe), Yasuno the aarakrocra more than proved his capacity when he rained arrows down from above. Now, if only i can keep him near long enough to convince him to join our little quest.


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