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Dukhárhûl Urbaz

“Darkgrotto Marketplace”, also known simply as Dukhárhûl, Darkgrotto.   It is a Duergar City that sits underneath the sea that divides the two major continents. It is tied to several other Underdark societies in the area, and one of the ancient Deep Roads passes through it, combining what would once be the dwarf societies across the sea. Starting as a trading hub, it quickly grew in ancient days to be a great city, primarily inhabited by Grey Dwarves.   As an unfortunate side effect of its growth it went from being a safe, approachable place led by merchants and craftsmen, to being a deeply complicated dwelling led by cutthroat rulers. In its current day it is led by a Triumvirate, each representing a part of the city’s ruling classes; Spokesman of the Merchant Guild, Speaker of the Aristocrats and the High Justice of the Courts. Between them they decide day to day order, especially on how to accumulate more influence and power to Dukhárhûl.   Many citizens who live there experience hard taxation, little say in how the city is run, and general anxiousness. There is little culture for taking care of each other, and so any who fall out tend to end up in the gutter, struggling as beggars or indenturing themselves to more prosperous citizens that offer shelter and food, as long as they slave away their ever growing debt.   The City’s upper classes thrive, as the city remains a hub for trade across several societies, and the legendary marketplace Dukhárhûl Urbaz, of which the city has gotten its name, is a sight to behold. Master craftsmen proffer their expensive wares, the House of Explorers sell items impossible to manufacture above ground, and many societies of the Underdark offer their unique wares. In the middle of it all stands the Pit, in which gladiatorial combat happens daily. The combatants are ever so rarely glory-hungry young folk, but most of the time they just indebted warriors, unfortunate outsiders or grey-orcs that seek purpose outside their clan; as well as the many beasts that thrive in the depths of the world.

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