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The luminaries and seven shards.

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Many eons ago, a race known only as the Elder ones cast a great magical ritual that sundered the very world upon which they stood. No one knows if they knew the price they would pay for their reality bending craft, but they paid it in full. The surviving shards used in that ritual are all that remain of the Prime world. Cast adrift into the astral void, where the Elder ones once again cast great magics. This time they created the luminaires, portals and other spells to enable life to survive and continue on the sundered shards; bringing air, light, warmth and water, and connecting the lesser surviving peoples. The Elder ones, powerful as they were, used their very life essence to power their final creation and paid the final price. Magic always comes with a price, and the greater the achievement, the greater the price. With the exception of the fallen shard of Amanita, their creations have managed to survive to this day. Centuries ago, the shard Amanita toppled. Its luminaire now only gives light and warmth to the underside of the shard, its surface since having fallen cold and dead. Many seek to learn if this is a possible foretaste of the ultimate fate awaiting all of the shards, or if it was caused by an aberrant event. Others hope to harness the last of this great power contained within the underside of the originator shard, but none as of yet have found it's source.

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