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Felder Falls

When King Valadar Layn conquered his kingdom from the wildfolk, the town now known as Felder Falls was a key point to running the savages out. Felder Falls was once a heathan religious site where wildfolk made human offerings to their terrible gods. The offering was taken to the top of the Falls and pushed off, rarely did they survive, but if they did they were banished as rejected offerings. If the Gods didn't want you, the people sure didn't. King Layn was completely unaware of this site but, one of these "rejected offerings" was captured and spilled that this site was sacred and a sactuary to the wildfolk. King Layn knew that taking the falls would put the wildfolk into a panic, however he was in the middle of a furious battle with a huge number of wildfolk that he couldn't just leave. He sent one of his best Captains, a man named Ret Felder, and as many men as he could spare to shatter their santuary. He ordered Felder to only attack with a small team, but let runners return to the main wildfolk force, if this place was important enough to them they would try and defend it. However as soon as Felder knew that the runners had left he was to destroy the whole place. King Layn hoped this distraction would give him the edge he needed. Felder pulled off his part perfectly and as soon as the runners were well gone, wiped the site off the map. When the runners reached the main wildfolk force, instead of sending a detachment of warriors, the entire force began a retreat towards the falls. This put them in a hammer and anvil situation as Felder had entrenched his men at the falls, leading to the wildfolk's worst defeat. This was a turning point in the war and not long after this battle King Layn established his Kingdom. Captain Felder was killed in one of the final battles and so the King named the Falls after him and gave the land to his family.   Today Felder Falls is a well known stopping point for merchants. The falls are set on the Nianthan, a river heavily used for trade from the Krakt Peaks. Merchants who sail down the Nianthan port at the top of the falls and usually spend some time in the town as they wait. In the morning workers load ships onto an intricate Gnomish made lift that lowers the ships down the falls so they can continue their journey down the Nianthan. The town's economy is based off of the tolls the merchants pay to use the lift, as well as the money they spend while they wait for their ships to be lowered. The lift only does so many ships a day which makes it so each merchant, conveniently, stays at least a night.

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