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Thalai Skywatcher Anakalathai

Thalai Skywatcher Anakalathai (a.k.a. Skywatcher)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Skywatcher was born in the Lost River mountains in the Anakalathai tribe. His father's name was Lazaghan Silentfist, and his mother's name was Kiria Slyhunter. The Anakalathai tribe was a very religious and close-knit tribe that valued the importance of their ancestors and was strict that the tribe rules were kept. Much time was spent on survival skills and combat training, but they despised war and unnecessary violence. This had led the tribe to become quite large and prosperous. Skywatcher's childhood was very similar to that of most Goliaths; roughhousing with other Goliath children, training in combat, and learning the ways of the tribe. He had one younger brother, Lakathai Thundermaker, and a best friend named Vaurakin Tribeclimber. These three were almost inseparable and were always up to no good. What set him apart from the rest of the tribe from an early age was his natural curiosity of how the world around him worked. Skywatcher was always asking questions about certain phenomena like the weather and why different plants and materials had different unique properties. This is partly how he received his nickname, Skywatcher, because everyone around him, especially his father, had to constantly tell him to get his head out of the clouds and focus on the task at hand. His mother encouraged it because it made him unique and told him stories of magic and places where these things were taught. The other reason he received this nickname was because of his great eyesight and excellent scouting abilities.   Skywatcher's father was the tribe leader, which bothered him at times because of his father's constant need for him to show how the rest of the tribe should act. One thing that always bothered Skywatcher about his father was an incident that happened a few months before he was born. He didn't know much about it because no one was to ever speak of it. All he knew was that his father had a brother named Lazamahk Frightwalker and had exiled him. His father and uncle led the tribe together, but his uncle wanted to go to war with a neighboring tribe. His father wouldn't have it and exiled his uncle and his followers. Skywatcher couldn't understand how his father could exile his brother.   One night, when Skywatcher was 17 years old, his uncle and his exiled tribe broke into their camp and kidnapped Skywatcher. Knocked unconscious, Skywatcher was made unaware of what else happened that night. They traveled for days, all while a hood was kept over his head. After a few days, Skywatcher noticed that the mountainous terrain had turned into flat land. After about what Skywatcher thought to be about a week, they stopped and pulled his hood off. He didn't recognize any of his captors other than a man that bore a resemblance to his father. He asked what was going on. His uncle told him that they had killed his father and taken him. His uncle had a sizeable healing cut on his face but also had Skywatcher's father's sword at his side. They told him that they had burned everything in sight and killed others while a few escaped with their lives. It made him wonder why he was kept alive, but no explanation was given.   Skywatcher was held captive for a few days before he escaped. He figured he would try and return to his tribe and come back for vengeance. Skywatcher eventually realized that he had no idea where he was and which direction he would have to go. He couldn't waste any time, so he just ran. He was in a forest somewhere, and that's all he knew. Eventually, he found a place to hide for a few days. No one came. He thought about going back for revenge but decided against it. The counsels of his father came to his mind; seeking revenge or war only leads to bloodshed and misery.   Skywatcher spent a couple of years in those woods trying to find a way back with no luck. No one he found had ever heard of the Lost River Mountains, and when others told them that they were in the Wretched Woods, he hadn't heard of it either. He even found his uncle's camp and tried to get any information there. Eventually, he gave up on ever finding his tribe. He wondered if there was anything to go back to anyways.   At this time, Skywatcher was trying to think of what to do next. He noticed that a group of druids had made camp close to where he had been staying. He couldn't quite tell what they were doing, but whatever it was, it seemed like the forest had all of sudden gotten greener, and the wildlife was more plentiful. He decided to approach them and ask them what their business was. They told them that they had come to heal this forest with magic. The druids had no problem with Skywatcher observing their magic, and his insight was helpful as he had lived in those same woods for quite some time. After a while, he began to ask about how the magic was performed, and then he started to practice. He became good friends with the druids. After about a year, the druids decided that their work was done and that they were going to move on. They invited Skywatcher to go with them. He declined, reasoning that he did not want to travel so far from his home and hadn't decided what he was going to do yet. He told them that if he changed his mind, he would meet up with them.   Now what? Skywatcher had heard of a city called Capathernium from passersby. Some had told him that it was famous for a place that taught science and philosophy. This was intriguing to him. He had given up on finding his tribe and he didn't want to live in the forest alone for the rest of his life. While in the woods, he had become very close to nature. He set out to Capathernium. He wasn't sure what he was going to do when he got there. He was pretty awkward, and his size didn't help either. It probably wasn't very common for a Goliath to want to be part of such an organization.   When Skywatcher arrived at the city's outskirts, he was immediately greeted by stares. Everyone he walked past seemed scared of him. Goliaths didn't have a good reputation in the area. As he got closer to where he was told this school was, he looked for someone to ask for directions. Looking around, he saw an old human with long white hair with his back turned. He looked to be scholarly in long robes. Skywatcher approached him and tapped on his shoulder. Before the man had a chance to turn around, Skywatcher was already introducing himself and telling the man his intentions of attending the school. The man turned around and was very surprised to see Skywatcher towering over him and told him there wasn't a place for him.   Long story short, Skywatcher wouldn't leave the man alone. He later learned that his name was Thaddeus. From this constant persistence, Thaddeus knew that Skywatcher had a back for observing and learning. Thaddeus was also intrigued that a Goliath would take to learning nature magic and encouraged Skywatcher to continue studying it in his schooling. He finally took him in as a student, and Skywatcher has been studying everything from plants to laws of physics for the past seven years. Even with his studies, he could not find which mountains he came from. No maps show any significant enough mountains close enough to make the 7-day trip that he had made with his uncle and his captors.   Thaddeus passed away from old age. None of the scholars really liked having a hulking Goliath around, and they all banded together to kick Skywatcher out of the school. It was too dangerous to have someone this barbaric and uncivilized around, they said.   This happened a few months ago. Skywatcher is now out on his own, a little bitter but eager to see what the world has to offer. He wants to make a name for himself in the academic world and heard that the Maelstrom Isles had many new and exciting things to discover. Within a few days of arriving, Skywatcher was in need of more money and food. This is when he saw the job posting. He figure it would be pretty easy; he was big and handled himself well in a fight.

Goliath born into the Anakalthai tribe in the ???? mountains.

View Character Profile
Long and Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slate Grey
7' 4"
340 lbs

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