Azalea (az-ah-layh-uh)

Neutral Good Vassal of Cleft

Cleft's Vassal of Beauty and Desire

Divine Domains and Blessings

Azalea's shared domains with Cleft are Charm (Love or Lust) and Good (Agathion). Her other domains are shared with Valor: Community (Family or Home) and Protection (Purity). Naturally, those that may find themselves betwixt these gods may find Azalea a perfect match for worship. She stands proud for children, the product of lust and love, so that they may grow to have children of their own.

Holy Books and Codes

The guiding text of Azalea is titled "The Ways of Azalea", giving guidance on how to please your partner. Many followers use this as a guide towards human relationships outside of their romance. The current publication of "The Ways of Azalea" is version 34.

Divine Symbols and Sigils

The simplest divine symbol of Azalea is a pair of wings with two ovals above. The ovals represent a pair of lovers enveloped within the wings.
An elaborate symbol is the portrait of a graceful angel, often in white or transparent clothing. Some depictions include Azalea's relic, the Heart's Edge.

Tenets of Faith

Few that do not follow Azalea may recall her paramount phrase "Embrace all that is beautiful". Her devout cherish her other tenets:
  1. Reject that which is at its core, truly ugly
  2. Protect the children, for they are all beautiful
  3. Even the ugliest without can have beauty within
One can find these and more within "The Ways of Azalea", though they may not appear in every edition.


Azalea does not host her own holiday, instead encouraging her followers to embrace the holidays of Cleft as a sign of love and community. The overly devout may make a special social event with family on August 7th, the day Azalea became a Divine Vassal.

Divine Goals and Aspirations

Aside from assisting and serving Cleft as his Divine Vassal, Azalea wishes to spread love to all: Spreading the joy of children, family, and community so that no one is forced to witness how ugly loneliness is. Thus, embracing all that is beautiful and rebuking that which is ugly are the goals of Azalea and her devout. Protecting children also comes naturally as they are the product of love and lust.

Designed by Scavenger, implemented by Zynthrall.
A mural of Azalea in her Great Church.
Artist Unknown.
Divine Classification
Vassal   Known Languages
All Narothian Languages   Sigils
-insert sigil-

Favored Weapon


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