Dodex (doh-deks)

True Neutral Overgod

Overgod of Chances, Dodex

Divine Domains

Dodex governs domain over Chance and Fate, two conflicting domains where one poses various possibilities but the other is considered a predetermined outcome. Additional domains include Magic and Ruins. Additional domains include Magic and Ruins.

Holy Books and Codes

Dodex no longer holds no divine literature for his subjects after ascending to Overgod. Instead, his Divine Decrees are considered his divine code. All gods must follow these rules to keep or grow their divinity and the regulations are reviewed once every decade in the Dodecatrium. One of such rules is that there may only be a total of 12 gods (except Dodex) in the Realm of Naroth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The simplest divine symbol of Dodex is the line-art of a dodecahedron, also known as a "d12". Additional details can include designating all or one numbered side or giving the die shading or 3D profile to match the shape.
An elaborate symbol is a portrait of a hooded figure, often in light armor, with dice floating about him. Some depictions include Dodex's relics, the Hammer of Probability and the Almanac. It is said there is even a portrait of Dodex when he was mortal.

Tenets of Faith

Most intellectual denizens understand Dodex's disposition on the world he wanted to shape before becoming Overgod, following these major edicts.
  1. Everything deserves a chance.
  2. Anything can be solved with a die.
  3. Fate is not predetermined suffering, but predetermined chances for success.
These edicts became reality when Dodex ascended to Overgod, and these intentions are what formed the Divine Decrees.


The main holiday revering Dodex is the holiday, Acentott. It is a day to celebrate the future, and chances to come. The history of the holiday stems from a tradition of Dodex's mortal days where he rolled a dodecahedron to divine the year to come. According to legend, it was always true. Many mortals mimic this on this day, hoping for Dodex to watch over the dice. Acentott is hosted on the twelfth day of of the twelfth month, December.

Divine Goals and Aspirations

Dodex is a surprisingly open Overgod, intending to give chances for all sorts of events to occur. He rules over fate loosely, allowing it to unravel naturally so that he may see as many of the endless possibilities as possible. To the common mortal, this is considered a great thing; allowing one to create their own fate instead of walking a predetermined path set by the gods. However, many still fear that if crossed, Dodex may string them along to their doom.

Divine Vassals

The Overgod is not without vassals, often called Seraphs, with their power rivals other gods instead of rivaling other vassals. Their form is of a perfect shape, with eyes on each face and wings adorning some vertices. The echelons of the seraphs can be observed by the number of sides their form possesses, though to look at one is unadvised as beings without divinity rarely recover from witnessing a Seraph, forever having their mind think of the awe inspiring being. Due to this, Dodex often relies on his friend Cleft's Vassals to interact with mortals.
A mural of Dodex in the Cubethedral. 
Art by J Austin.
Divine Classification
Overgod   Known Languages
All Narothian Languages   Sigil

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