Elish Character in The Maelstrom Realms | World Anvil

Elish (el-ish)

Chaotic Evil God

God of Masks, Elish

Divine Domains

Elish's main domains are Darkness and Trickery, two peculiar domains where one fools others while the second hides oneself. Additional domains include Chaos and Evil.

Holy Books & Codes

Elish holds no holy text, but instead holds many masks. Usually with some form of expression made on them, these white masks are used to become anonymous before committing atrocities, be they simple pranks or world-changing plots. It is an unwritten code that the longer one wears thier mask, the more devout they are.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The simplest divine symbol of Elish is a mask with an eerie smile. It may have another expression such as sadness, anger, or surprise. Sometimes combinations of these masks are used to form additional details.
An elaborate symbol is the portrait of red robed skeleton, with a various floating masks around him. Some depictions include Elish's relics, the Comedy Puppet and the Tragedy Puppet.

Tenets of Faith

Even those that do not follow Elish have heard the phrase “Become one of us” Others may recall other ramblings:
  1. Success in numbers
  2. They cannot get us all if theres too many of us
  3. You can be anybody you want to be when you wear the mask
  4. When you wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
These sayings can often be heard by members of Elish's Cult of Masks. However, Elish himself has always been silent.


The main holiday revering Elish is the holiday, Fool's Friday. It is a day to prank friends, family, and anyone really. The history of the holiday started as a contest to see who could out-prank the other between the mortal Elish and a fellow mortal. On the first Friday of April, the sixth day of the week long bout, Elish reportedly won. Today, Fool's Friday is hosted on the sixth of April where worshippers reside and is commonly celebrated by children within towns of the Main Plane.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Spreading the influence of masks comes naturally to Elish. So much so that he rarely has to support his followers in expanding the cult. Many tired and woeful mortals simply want to get away from it all, and a mask helps seperate them from the harsh reality. It gives them confidence to do what they could not with pryring eyes, making them feel freer than ever before to persue their deepest desires. This often irks other gods, but is Elish truly the one at blame?

Divine Vassals

The vassals of Elish are called Masquerades, donning a mask either made by themselves or given by Elish. Not bound to any race or class, Masquerades follow similar paths to Elish, being at most one step away from Chaotic Evil on the alignment chart and specializing in subdomains or other domains similar to Elish's. One can treat a Masquerade as their patron deity, but must know that they still follow Elish's Cult of Masks.
A mural of Elish in the Maskathedral Art by Thomas Mora
Divine Classification
God   Known Languages
All Narothian Languages   Sigil


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