The University
"The people of the world need to know.
The world needs to know the truth.
The truth needs to brought to all.
Only then can the truth be free." ~The preamble to the Charter of the University
The University is presided over by a Head Teacher, who runs a council of the various Teachers of the institution. The Head Teacher doesn't have to teach, but helps keep the organization afloat by dealing with complaints, presiding over exams or filling in for sickened or dismissed teachers. The Teachers do what teachers everywhere do: they teach and educate and help their students learn.
Public Agenda
The University understands that the greater Gratic Empire is in need of education to continue to thrive and grow, and so it has the following objectives:
The education and raising of young children, especially those of lower classes that may not otherwise get the opportunity;
The spread of learning and the love of it across the Empire; and
The standardization of knowledge and the encouragement of fact over fiction.
The set of buildings that bears the same name is their main building, although they have many satellite schools in far-flung corners of the Empire. People who are Teachers here don't make a large amount of money, and many have other jobs that they do in their spare time to make ends meet.
The organization was founded in 42 II during the reign of Empress Entelia I, and under her wing, the University quickly grew in size and power. Over the centuries, rulers of the Empire have helped and hindered the work of the University, but it has endured.
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
The city man's temple (as temples tend to replace schools like this in rural areas).
Controlled Territories
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