C.P.M.C Aristaeus

The C.P.M.C Aristaeus is the oldest of a dozen Planet Harvesting class ships owned by the Conclave Pact World Mining Coalition. This ship is a tier 20 ultranought starship with a crew compliment of 40000 to 60000 and 800 decks in total. It was designed with the ability to harvest and process planets and moons of their useable materials.

It is heavily armed to ward off any bandit ships but with it's size comes a price. Planet Harvesters are clumsy and slow to pilot, having to use multiple Drift and Psionic engines to propel the ship through the drift and through space. While it is heavily armed they can be easily overrun and subdued through sheer numbers.

The Aristaeus is one of the most desired job positions within the C.P.M.C, as it harvests hostile and uninhabitable planets and moons. Leading to the highest paying jobs, there are sizeable living quarters for everyone of its crew.

Player Handbook cover


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