C.P.M.C Kalvectus

One of the main ships of the Interstellar Pact Mining Corporation's Defense sector, helmed by Zaezel Jahvo a retired Thelvon captain. It has a crew compliment of 80, 20 for the bridge crew, engineering, and security, and up to ten squads of mercenaries or more security officers.
TIER 7 Starship

  This medium explorer was once part of a large military fleet and holds many war stories in its repair jobs

  Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1 Drift 4

AC 23; TL 19

HP 65; DT -; CT 13

Shields Medium 120 (forward 30, port 30, starboard 30, aft 30)

Attack (Forward) Light EMP cannon (Special)

Attack (Port) Laser net (2d6)

Attack (Starboard) Laser net (2d6)

Attack (Turret) Gyrolaser (1d8)

Power Core Nova Heavy (200 PCU Drift Engine Signal Superior; Systems budget long-range sensors, mk 1 tetranode computer, mk 3 defenses, mk 6 armor, crew quarters (luxurious Expansion Bays cargo holds (2), ghost drive, guest quarters (luxurious)

Modifiers +1 Piloting, +1 any four checks per round;

Complement 3


Engineer Engineering +19 (7 ranks)

Gunner Gunnery +14

Pilot Computers +14 (7 ranks), Gunnery +14, Piloting +15 (7 ranks)


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