
The Draccin

  Draccin have a long and complicated history, a product of over a millennia of crossbreeding Dragonkin with other reptilian species from their home world Groleuth. They retain a lot of their ancestors traits such as tough scaly hide, the ability to channel one of the elements into an attack, their tails, along with new traits. They did not originate from Groleuth however as there exists no archeological remains of them from before the gap.  

Physical Description

Draccin are physically imposing, standing as one of the tallest Bipedal sentient races among those in Conclave space. They are very strong and often will challenge other Draccin or other races they deem a worthy challenge of their strength. Their large upper body is to accommodate their system of redundant organs, the area reinforced by it's densely packed musculoskeletal system. Their legs larger to carry such a heavy dense torso, they are a digitigrade species much like avian creatures or Dragonkin.   Draccin would ultimately become territorial and constant wars amongst clans would eventually lead to their homeworld becoming a nuclear wasteland. the Voq'uk would later help "Uplift" them into galactic society, as they lent their numbers and physical prowess to bring an end to the first generation of Stepmanders in a war over 500 years ago.   Unfortunately their need to expand and their fast rate of reproduction meant they were becoming a problem. Taking over the Altvari Belt within such a short time, the access they had to better technology would lead to a war being waged by them against the Pact Worlds and Conclave. It would come to an end when a "disease" began to spread through their race, culling the population and causing fertility rates amongst the females to fall dramatically. Severely reducing the rates in which they had offspring, it led to the war coming to swift end after a decade of conflict.  

Home World

  Groleuth is a savage barren world, at one point it was a lush varied biome of a planet it has now since become a mostly desert planet. During the Draccin's rise into a spacefaring race, a planet scale world war would break out amongst numerous clans. All of it ending in the Draccin nuking themselves and setting their technological advancement back. The amount of radiation would eat away it's atmosphere and turn it into a desert world.  

Society and Alignment

  Draccin society relies on a clan structure of the strongest are the most fit to lead until they are challenged and eventually dethroned. Their "government" is a simple gathering of all the clan leaders to discuss affairs and settle them in one on one combat. Ever since a disease culled their population and fertility rates they have become more focused on the continuation of their race. Constantly trying various methods to cure or procreate, many of the Draccin who are effected by this disease going off into mercenary work or becoming hired guns for organizations and crime rings. They are one of several races who have decided to not have representation within the Conclave's Nexus.  


  Draccin only respect those who are deemed powerful, whether through strength or their ability to manipulate or lead. They are always looking for ways to get more pull within their clan, group, or organization. Challenging a Draccin is usually enough to give them some amount of respect for the challenger, seeing them as an equal or higher should they be defeated. Every Draccin desires to pass their gene's on, even with the fertility rate extremely low they will always attempt to mate with a Draccin female.  


  Most Draccin outside of Groleuth are mercenaries, hired guns, or muscle for bars, and establishments. Very rarely will one want to adventure with others unless being paid or if they acknowledge someone as their superior.  

Ability Adjustments+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int


Hit Points 6


Size and Type

  Draccin are large Humanoids with the Draccin subtype.  

Organ Redundancy

Draccins have multiple sets of redundant organs, allowing them to shrug off injuries that would kill others. If an attacker scores a critical hit against a Draccin, the Draccin rolls a d20. On a roll higher than 10, the critical hit becomes a normal hit and the Draccin does not suffer extra damage or effects.  

Draconic Vision

Draccins channel the bloodline of their long lost ancestors and can see in @UUID[Compendium.sfrpg.racial-features.ivfqMdylivscbLak]{Low-Light Vision} as if it were normal light. As well as @UUID[Compendium.sfrpg.racial-features.HhrIJeHTxSGVX9mV]{Darkvision} for 30ft.  

Battle Built

Draccin are beasts of battle and have adapted to constant battle for survival due to the vicious nature of their homeworld Groleuth. Draccins gain a +1 racial bonus to EAC and KAC and a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear, poison and paralysis effects.  

Draccin Rage

Draccin were bred for war, and as such they can become enraged through several methods. If an ally within 20 ft. is dropped to 0 HP or the Draccin is dropped down to 0 HP they will go into a rage. Regaining half their HP pool they will gain the following: DR/5 to magic, Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, as well as +1/2 level to damage (min +1) This will last for 1 minute or until they are brought down to 0 again. Once a minute has passed the Draccin will fall unconscious and need to be stabilized.  

Breath Weapon(Draccin)

As a standard action, a Draccin can breathe a 30-foot cone of flame that deals 1d6 fire damage. At 3rd level, a Draccin adds 1-1/2 × his character level to the damage. A creature in the cone can attempt a Reflex save for half damage (DC = 10 + half the Draccin’s character level + his Constitution modifier). A Draccin can’t use this ability again until he has taken a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points. The type of damage can vary based on the clan they descend from.   Draccin Clans:   Khanda: Fire   Hera: Sonic   Konda: Electricity   Draxxu: Cold   Terga: Acid   Veloc: Force

Vital Stats:

Average Height 6-8 ft.

Average Weight 350- 500 lbs.

Age of Maturity ???

Maximum Age 800+4d100 years


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