
The Graex

  Graex are a reptile-like humanoid race that were rescued from their dying home world Orravim some time before the gap by the Acarii following first contact between the two. Since their uplifting the Graex have remained loyal to the Acarii for their camaraderie and are often chosen as partners for the Acarii. They have fit comfortably into galactic civilization.  

Physical Description

  Graex are omnivorous reptile-like humanoids with an average lifespan of 60 years. Graex appearance is very similar to asari and humans, but their muscle tissue is slightly denser, giving them a wiry strength. They appear to have five fingers on each hand, albeit the ring and middle fingers are fused. Their skin is apparently infused with a venom mild enough to be served in drinks, and may cause mild hallucinations on "oral contact". They also have two sets of eyelids, akin to the nictitating membrane possessed by certain animals such as reptiles. The inner lid is milky-white and closes from the left and right, while the outer lid is black and closes from top and bottom. Much like humans or Acarii, Graex possess the ability to shed tears.   Sexual dimorphism among Graex appears to be roughly analogous to humans. Females have breast-like protrusions, and their head "frills" are more pronounced than males'. They have also evolved during their time on Donovia and have become quite adept psionics themselves.  

Home World

  After being rescued by the Acarii from their old home world of Orravim, Donovia became their new home, where after several thousands of years of coexistence allowed the Graex to not only live well past their years but have acquired some Psionic powers of their own though not as developed as the Acarii's.  

Society and Alignment

  Graex are generally a wise people, their ability to remember any event with photographic memory lends themselves to filling higher roles of their civilization. Though they coinhabit Donovia with the Acarii they have their own branches of government and have a near equal say on Donovia. On the Conclave's Nexus while not a council race do have their own representation amongst many of the Conclave races. Quite a few Graex will join the Donovian military and much like the Acarii specialized force The Aeyary Inquisitors, the Graex have the Arm of Shadaven. Top trained soldiers meant to protect Acarii and Graex delegations and power figures.  


  Graex can be a reserved people, making friends is a deep connection for them due to them remembering every moment of their lives perfectly. They are a very loyal people who hold their honor in high regards. Graex are often seen with Acarii, not just due to their cohabitation of Donovia, but the fact they've spent thousands of years together they have grown to depend on eachother. It isn't uncommon for Acarii to take Graex as partners and vice versa.  

Ability Adjustments+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha


Hit Points 4


Size and Type

  Graex are Medium humanoids with the Graex subtype.  

Acquired Psionics

  Due to their time on the Acarii home world of Donovia, all Graex exhibit some degree of psionics. While not as developed as the Acarii are they do gain the following spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the Graex's character level.   At 1st level: Psychokinetic Hand (At will), Telekinetic Projectile (At will)   At 3rd level: Psychokinetic Shove (At will), Psychic Sonar (1/day)  

Eidetic Memory

  Graex possess eidetic memory which allows them to trigger a powerful, vivid memory recall. Once per day, a Graex can take 20 on any skill check to recall information, even when you don’t have access to a computer terminal or other means of research.  

Desert Stride

Graex can move through non-magical difficult terrain in deserts, hills and mountains at their normal speed.  

Multispectral Sight

The Graex have adapted their sight in order to communicate with the Acarii by seeing light outside the normal visible spectrum. As a result, they can see in dim light as if it were normal light, and they can see with no light source at all to a range of 60 feet in black and white only.  

Toxic skin

The skin of Graex excretes a mild venom that causes mild hallucinations in other species. If a non-Graex humanoid orally consumes the harvested toxin of a Graex, they must make a fortitude saving throw with a DC of 15 + the Graex’s level or gain the fascinated condition for the next 10 minutes. If the Graex makes an unarmed strike against a non-Graex humanoid, the Graex can choose to force the humanoid to make a fortitude saving throw against the same DC, gaining the flat-footed condition until their next turn if they fail. Once a target has attempted the saving throw, they are then immune to the Graex’s toxin for 24 hours.

Vital Stats:

Average Height 5-7 ft.

Average Weight 100-200 lbs.

Age of Maturity 15 years

Maximum Age 60+2d20 years


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