
The Kigg'var

  One of the more mysterious races, they come from the furthest explored system in The Manwe Expanse , the Vesgolia Sector. The Kigg'var are a very secretive race, keeping highly sensitive discussions in their native language which is impossible for any universal translator to decipher. When amongst other races they will speak common or another species language only when needed. They are silent and are often employed as assassins or mercenaries, being highly effective in combat.  

Physical Description

  A Kigg'var's anatomy is mostly similar to other bipedal humanoid life except for a few key features. There DNA would appear to share much with common avian species found on other pact worlds, how they share this ancestry is unknown as archeology on the homeworld predates the GAP and Fluidic era by at least 10 millennia or more. The Kigg'var evolved a more dense musculoskeletal body, losing their feathers in place for scales and from digitigrade to a plantigrade structure. They are also one of the only species to have four fully functional arms, each one just as capable as any other bipedal humanoids. Their strength almost matching the Draccin's.  

Home World

  Their homeworld Iplea III is also confusing as it is almost entirely uninhabitable with a gravity almost five times the amount found on planets like Castrovel. With Iplea III's being a temperate, swampy planet with a methane atmosphere, the Kigg'var cannot breath in normal atmosphere and require a full body suit with a built in methane tank on it's back when not on their homeworld.  

Society and Alignment

  Kigg'var are a very secretive people when it comes to their history and even language. Kigg'var have learned galactic common for the purpose of being able to expand into Conclave space. Being a very heavy hunter gather species your typical Kigg'var will seek out jobs to satiate that trait. Often seeing them as mercenaries, security aboard various stations and ships, and as assassins. Kigg'var do not share the same moral compass as most space faring races and will often do jobs for the highest bidder.  


  Outside of mercenary, or security jobs a Kigg'var very rarely seen outside of their home planet. The only other places to find a Kigg'var would be the Conclave Nexus or Absalom Station. When amongst their own they will communicate in their own language to avoid letting unwanted parties listen in.  

Ability Adjustments+2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Cha


Hit Points 6


Size and Type

  Kigg'var are Medium humanoids with the Kigg'var subtype.  


  Given the Kigg'var's way of thinking and being a species with four arms they have evolved to use them all independently of each other. The Kigg'var gets and +2 on all strength based skills and can use each arm to carry an item or a weapon. They get the ability to multi-attack after taking a move action with the second attack taking -6 penalty.  

Mechanical Sight

  Kigg'var come from a planet with a methane heavy atmosphere and are dependent on it to breath. When outside of Iplea III they wear a skin tight suit and fully encompassing helmet to provide the methane they breathe. They have futher developed the suit to give them other augmentations, as such they can see in Low-Light Vision perfectly, and have Darkvision up to 30 ft.  

One With Shadows

  Being a quiet race makes the Kigg'var excellent hunters, trackers, and assassins. Kigg'var get a +2 racial bonus to Stealth and Survival checks when tracking a target or hiding from enemies.

Vital Stats:

Average Height 6-9 ft.

Average Weight 150-400 lbs.

Age of Maturity 18 years

Maximum Age 120+4d10 years


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