
The Lepiroposa


This humanoid moth-like race are a group of colorful and delicate beings. Living amongst the high treetops of their home planet Bello-Bosque in tiered cities, they are a mostly shy and secluded race. Only having recently began venturing back out into galactic space.

Physical Description

Lepiroposa's are quite a unique race of people, possessing the possibility of having as diverse of colorations and patters on their bodies and wings as the human genome has variations in their DNA. From mixing patterns of the parents genetic patterns, to even now being able to genetically program wing and body patterns both before and after birth it's safe to say no two Lepiroposa's are identical.


Having a color range of neutral dark blues, greys, and pinks, to vibrant oranges, red, greens as well as black and white, even neon colors in the current age. They have two pairs of soft delicate wings, which they prefer to use whenever possible instead of walking, these however can easily be damaged due to combat and will cause them to lose their ability to fly until a long rest is completed. They also have a pair of long moth-like legs, four arms, and two antennae usually covered in fur. This fur covers the head, thorax, abdomen, and in some cases their arms and legs. Female Lepiroposa's however posses longer more silk-like thick fur.


Home World

Bello-Bosque is a mostly Forested world, possessing many biomes that have allowed the Lepiroposa's the chance to evolve and diversify to different climates. From wooded forests, to jungles, tundras, tropical islands, and deserts. It's landmass takes up roughly 70% of the planets surface with the remaining 30% oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water. It's atmosphere containing a higher concentration of oxygen and warmer climates allowed for the growth of macro flora and fauna, leading to the large trees that make up roughly 80% of Lepiroposa's cities. To avoid the larger predators found on ground level, they would build large multi-tiered cities up in the trees.


Society and Alignment

Lepiroposa's are a sociable people, they enjoy socilization with one another and value family above all else. It isn't uncommon for a Lepiroposa household to have several generations of family, this familial bond even extends out to friends and collegues. Leading to even those running with gangs in the lower parts of the cities to think of one another as family. To be ostracized or outcast in Lepiroposa society can be devestating to ones mental health, and even being away from their home world or family for too long can lead to severe bouts of home sickness. Even so, they aren't too unlike humans in regards to their systems of government, and what values as a group they promote. One faction may value seclusion to the point of xenophobia, while another wants only trade and friendship. In that way they are always in a flux, with only ancient traditions remaining unchanged as they grow.



Lepiroposa's value their relationships, be it intimate, business, or friendly. They have grown wise over many generation passing down their knowledge. While mostly a recluse race from the wider galactic community, when they do choose to befriend those of another race it is because they view them as highly trustworthy even seen as family in some cases. In their first foray into the galactic community, they were often targets for hunters, and black market dealers as their wings were seen as trophies. The powder on their wings for some time becoming a popular hallucinogenic called "silkdust", and even enslaved made to produce silk for fine clothing. The Lepiroposa's have a very close connection to the Voq'uk, finding their biogenetic studies have helped increase their own lifespans and quality of health. Lepiroposa's are keen to the silver tongues of many other races, and are usually harder to convince or deceive.



After their first foray into the galactic community led to a dark period of being hunted and enslaved by the criminal network throughout the pact worlds and CSR, Lepiroposa's very seldom venture outside of their home world. Though when they do it is either as merchants to sell their silk, or as a performer as they are said to have very beautiful voices. After reaching the age of maturity it also isn't uncommon for them to leave the hive, and try their hand at adventuring as either a hired gun, or onbard ships and space stations. Generally those that do adventure out return regularly to their home world, and retire from galactic travels after a few decades.


Ability Adjustments +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str


Hit Points 4


Size and Type

Lepiroposa are Medium Humanoids with the Lepiroposa subtype.  

Morador De La Noche

Lepiroposa's biology grants them superior vision in darkness, though easily overwhelmed by light. Lepiroposa's gain lowlight vision up to 120 feet, and darkvision up to 60 feet. Secondly when exposed to sudden bursts of light like a flashlight turning on, or going from complete darkness to daylight a Lepiroposa will gain Light Sensitivity, and remains dazzled until they're able to adjust their eye-sight. (1d4 rounds when exposed to a light-source such as a flashlight, bright room lights, etc. and 1d20+10 minutes for sources such as sunlight. The effects of items like flash grenades work as normal.)


Caída de Pluma

Lepiroposa's posess an ornate and functional set of wings. While not wearing medium or heavy armor, you take no damage from falls under 30 feet, and take half damage from falls under 60 feet.


La Antena

A Lepiroposa's antaennae is extremely speciallized and sensitive, you gain a +2 racial bonus on perception checks that rely on scent.



When wearing light or no armor Lepiroposa's gain an extraordinary flight speed of 15 feet at 1st level. This goes up to your full move speed at 5th level. At 10th level you no longer are restricted by medium armor, and at 15th level you are no longer restricted by heavy armor. However, when in flight your wings become a viable target to attack. Creatures targeting a Lepiroposa's wings do so at a -2, but on hit will cause the target to fall prone and hit the floor taking half damage from falls under 30 feet, and full damage from falls under 60 feet. Once a Lepiroposa's wings become damaged they can no longer fly, having to repair their wings via a long rest before being able to use this ability again.


Falsa Pata

Lepiroposa's have four arms and hands that can be controlled independantly of one another. These arms can hold and interact with objects normally. If two hands are free during combat, they can be used as a bonus action to take and use items like health serums or reload weapons. Heavy weapons take four hands for you to weild, while staffs, shileds, and other similar items takes two hands on the same side of your body to wield. This doesn’t increase the number of attacks they can make during combat.



A Lepiroposa's wings are covered in a very fine powdery substance not too dissimilar to a reptiles scales. These billions of very small and fine scales can with a swift action be shaken off of a Lepiroposa's wings. Creatures within a 30 foot area around the Lepiroposa must make a Will save (DC is 10 + half Character level + Wis modifier. + Cha for Tejer-Seda, +Int for Ciencia Nacida) or gain the confused condition for 1d4 rounds. Once this ability has been used a Lepiroposa won't be able to use it again until a long rest, and won't be able to fly again until after a short rest.


Alternate Racial Traits

Genome Sequencing: Some groups of Lepiroposa's over the centuries have allowed the Voq'Uk to cut into their genome. Changing bits and pieces of their DNA to allow for more possibilities within their own race. This has led to variations of their species that accel in places their ancestors did not. Picking this replaces Alas-Escamosas and their default Ability Adjustments with the following:


Ciencia Nacida

Your mind and body are attuned to the ways of invention, medicine, and science. You become trained in: Life Science, Medicine, and Physical Science. You also gain a +2 racial bonus to all intelligence based checks. Your wings now are more of an ornamental piece, but you are more adjusted to fit into galactic society. This replaces the Lepiroposa's default Ability Adjustments to +2 Dex, +2 Int, and -2 Str, and also replaces the racial ability: Alas-Escamosas  


Lepiroposa's silk is known for its beauty and strength. Your body is more adept at producing and weaving Lepiroposa silk at the cost of your ability to fly. This replaces the Lepiroposa's default Ability Adjustments to +2 Dex, +2 Cha, and -2 Str, and the racial ability: Alas-Escamosas.


You can produce up to 200 credits worth of Silk between long rests at 1st level, 2,000 credits worth at 5th, 10,000 credits worth at 10th, 50,000 credits worth at 15th, and 100,000 credits worth at 20th. The silk produced cannot be broken down for UPB, and sells for 10% of it's value. Alternatively, these can be used to craft fine clothing or as a light armor that's level is dependent on the highest level silk you can produce. To produce a days worth of silk, you must dedicate 4 hours of uninterrupted time a day, and only after you produce enough silk can you then craft the armor. Armor can be found in Equipment under "Tejer-Seda".


Lepiroposa's Tejer-Seda Armor:


At 1st level: (Cost: 1,000 credits worth of silk) EAC +1, KAC +2, Max Dex Modifier +5, Armor check penalty: 0 At 5th level: (cost: 10,000 credits worth of silk) EAC +4, KAC +5, Max Dex modifier +5, Armor check penalty: 0 At 10th level: (cost: 100,000 credits worth of silk) EAC +12, KAC +14, Max Dex modifier +5, Armor check penalty: 0 At 15th level: (cost: 500,000 credits worth of silk) EAC +17, KAC +18, Max Dex modifier +7, Armor check penalty: 0 At 20th level: (cost: 1,500,000 credits worth of silk) EAC +21, KAC +23, Max Dex modifier +8, Armor check penalty: 0

Normal Lepiroposa

Ciencia Nacida Variant Lepiroposa

Tejer-Seda Variant Lepiroposa

Vital Stats:

Average Height 4-6 ft.

Average Weight 50-100 lbs.

Age of Maturity 10

Maximum Age 120 + 4d10 years


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