Planet Harvesting Class Starships

Planet Harvesting Class


Planet Harvesting class vessels are in a their own special category of starship. Also known as an ultranought starship, these vessels are limited in number through out the different systems due to just how expensive it costs to produce and maintain them. Originally six Planet Harvesting class vessels were made, they're creation so expensive that even 1,000 years later they have yet to recoup their cost. But have provided much needed raw materials for the rest of inhabitted space, to date only one planet harvester ship has been lost, the C.P.M.C Serenity.


With that kind of price tag only about a dozen or two of these ships remain in use by various mining corporations and civilizations. Six are known to be owned by the Conclave Pact World Mining Coalition, with a currently unknown number owned by the Azlanti Star Empire.


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