
The Stepmanders

  The Stepmanders are another races born from many attemps at a hybridization and uplifting of Stridermanders and SKittermanders. Originally the goal of Veskarium scientists was to get beings with the predatory nature of the Stridermander, but possessing sapience and hopefully helpful nature of the Skittermanders. What was to be a cheerful and loyal races of assassins for the Veskarium nearly sent all the major systems into a full scale war.   The First generation of Stepmanders produced very few of the intended result. Those few test subjects were close to the expected parameters, being sharp and focused, bearing a natural predator's mien, but still remarkably comfortable forming friendships and close bonds. The remaining half were all over the manic spectrum, from violent, to frequent fits of catatonia. This would lead to a war that would only ironically be quelled by another hybridized and uplifted race known as the Draccin, who would put an end to what was then called "Scattermanders".   The project was mostly saved by the first field tests performed by the subjects, for the innate abilities of this race meant that they were superlative stalkers, and under the watchful eye of a trainer/handler kept them on task. Some tweaks were made, and the project moved forward in secret, improving its 'success rate' by significant amounts each subsequent batch. Soon enough, the eldest formed mated pairs, and things looked as if the Veskarium was going to have their ideal deadly agents and commandos.   After three centuries the Stepmanders have evolved into their own race, and while originally serving as specialized agents and commandos for the Veskarium would soon branch out and gain independence within the Veskarium. After this and the war waged by the Draccin, The Conclave and other systems outright forbid hybridized experimentation and forced uplifting of species that weren't suitable or ready. Now the Stepmanders enjoy their own society and culture, sharing Vesk-3 as their homeworld with the Skittermanders and Stridermanders, their presence having equalized out the ecosystem of the planet  

Physical Description

  Stepmanders are a hybridization of the Skittermander and Stridermander, maintaining the furry appearance of the Skittermander along with the height of the stridermander. The difference between the two and the Stepmander is their third pair of arms serve a hybrid function, being able to be a pair of hands for limited uses or as another set of legs to support more weight and faster travelling. While they don't live much longer than a Skittermander their stages of development are quite different. Being more of a mammal species they start life as a much smaller version of an adult, using their feeding tube for the first few years of life. A carry over from the Stridermander dna, once they hit adolescence they lose the feeding tube and grow further until they mature at the age of 10. Once they hit maturity they form a decorative set of bioluminescent feathers on it's head and neck, for females it's much bigger and more pronounced than a males. This is used to find a partner to mate with.  

Home World

  Vesk-3, called Oeddertchonk by the native skittermanders, is the third planet in the Veskarium. Seemingly a resource-rich paradise, Vesk-3 is one of the hardest planets to rule for the Veskarium, due to its population of ever-helpful skittermanders.   Vesk-3 is a lush world, with a diverse flora and dense rainclouds that cover half of the surface. It possesses a high content of heavy metals, fuelling a nuclear core and constant tectonic activity, which manifests as hot springs, geysers and hydrothermal vents common across the planet, and fills the land and sea with nutrients. Vesk-3 has no axial tilt. Earthquakes happen almost weekly in some regions, and all buildings have to be able to withstand tremors. Major eruptions can change the climate or sink the land beneath the sea.   Vesk-3's landmass is divided into two continents: Aberanderen and Kavarit, both of which are surrounded in islands. Aberanderen stretches almost from pole to pole. Its northern half is covered in hills and low mountains broken up by great forests, while its southern half is filled by plateaux. Two arm-like landmasses, Otokorro in the west and Siksos Valen in the east, are mostly mild, windy fields and forsts. Kavarit is more rocky and divided almost in two by the Basin Sea. West of Kavarit, the continental shelf drops sharply into the abyssal plain. Deep beneath Vesk-3's surface is Gadraveech, a dark, twisting network of caverns.   Vesk-3 has two oceans, the Oedderttosh and the Veneratosh, and nine seas. Most of these bodies of water, except the Veneratosh Ocean and the Basin Sea, are shallow.   Vesk-3 is orbited by two small moons, Vesk-3.1 and Vesk-3.2 (called the Big Mother and the Firstborn by the skittermanders)  

Society and Alignment

  Stepmander society isn't very different from that of the Skittermander. They individualistic but not anarchic, and unwilling to grasp the concept of permanent governance. They enjoy teamwork and naturally follow a leader to undertake large projects, but the leader no longer holds sway after the project is done. They do understand the concept of continued employment and are willing to follow a leader for as long as they are paid and it makes sense to them. It isn't uncommon to see Stepmanders who join gangs or mercenary groups to usurp their leader or even get to some of the highest positions within these groups.  


  Stepmanders know that they were built for combat, with their specialized abilities the ones that venture from Vesk-3 more often than not join security forces aboard ships, mercenary work, or as some form of law enforcement. Having shared Vesk-3 with the Skittermanders for several centuries now they have become more intermingled and you will very often find them travelling together.  

Ability Adjustments+2 Dex, A player may choose to take +2 to one additional ability of their choice, however, if this is done, the DM gets to adjust one ability by -2.


Hit Points 6


Size and Type

  Stepmanders are Medium humanoids with the Stepmander subtype.  


  One of the most curious results of the hybridization that, while unexpected, turned out to be as good as any of the intended traits. Stepmanders are capable of using their third set of limbs as either arms and hands, or legs and feet. Given their overall frame, they are most comfortable using quadrupedal locomotion, can manage bipedal travel if needed, and the extra pair of hands this grants frequently makes this a practical choice. If moving on 4 limbs, they have a pace of 40, and 4 arms/hands. If moving on just their true-legs, they have a pace of 15, can't run, and have the use of 6 arms and hands. Augmentations that require all (appendages) only function if the half-hand limbs have the augmentation installed, and they are being used as the requisite set of limbs.  

Adaptive Fur

  While the amygdala of Stridermanders manages the coloration of their fur, the uplift process shifted the areas of the brain that controlled that function. With Stepmanders, a deliberate effort of will is necessary to change the color of their fur. If a Stepmander is making no effort of will to control their coloration, their fur shifts to show their emotional and energy state. This manifests automatically if they are under an emotion inducing mind-affecting effect, and as a -2 penalty to social based skills (though the GM may apply this as bonus if they feel it would be more appropriate, such as a furious Stepmander making an Intimidate check. With a successful Bluff check, a Stepmander can display the colors for a different attitude than they actually feel, negating this penalty. Further, with training, a Stepmander can use this ability for camouflage. For succeeding at a DC 17 Disguise check, they get a +1 bonus to Stealth checks, with an additional +1 for every 2 points this DC is beaten. This bonus, and the bonus for being invisible, can't exceed +10.  

Grasping Hands

  If their hands are free, or if they are only using weapons with the Grappling property, Stepmanders get a +2 to Grapple checks. They also gain a +1 to climb checks for each true-hand that is free for that purpose. Their half-hands must always be devoted to climbing.  


  Meddling with the hybrid's DNA, the Vesk were able to cut out their lowlight vision and replace it with darkvision.  

Alternate Racial Traits:


Bipedal Ambulator


When you are walking on 2 legs, your base land speed is 30, and running is now allowed. Deft Climber. When all your hands are devoted to climbing, you gain a climb speed of 20, and have a racial +8 climb modifier. This feat replaces the Stepmanders Half-Hands ability.

Vital Stats:

Average Height 5-7 ft.

Average Weight 100-300 lbs.

Age of Maturity 10 years

Maximum Age 80+2d20 years


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