Synthetic Intelligence

Synthetic Intelligence (SI) are considered to be the balance between a self-aware computing system like an Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the much more simplistic program like a Cyberse Intelligence (CI).

After the Vect Rebellion that caused the Bhalos to lose their homeworld the development and use of Artificial Intelligence were outright banned in the Pact System worlds, and severely limited in the Conclave which led to the development of SI's.

  The main difference between a SI and an AI is that they contain many redundancies and termination protocols that can only be accessed by it's creators and users of the SI. Each SI is created with its own personalities, either from their creator or from a memory imprint of the creators choosing they take on characteristics from this memory imprint.

  SI's are always learning, gathering data and adding it to their "memory", as such SI's usually have a limited lifespan of about 10 years before thinking themselves into what is called a corruption protocol. They are usually deactivated before they can reach this level of degradation, but on occasion there have been SI's that have gone corrupt leading to sometimes violent methods needing to put them out of commission. As such since the development of SI's is expensive and timely one method developed by Dr. Kole Ivling call the purge protocol. Allowing the SI's creator to purge most of all of it's created subroutines to refresh their lifespan, this allows any SI that's properly purged before its corruption state to exist up to four times a normal SI's lifespan before the corruption protocol innevitably takes effect.

  SI's are special in that they can be transmitted across communication channels or computer networks. Which makes them very valuable on the battlefield or onboard space ships. While they do not have the capability to hold nearly as much information as an Artificial Intelligence they are much more portable and don't require the same amount of R&D.


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