The Manwe Expanse ((Man-way) Expanse)

The Manwe Expanse is a vast expanse of various star systems that neighbor The Pact Worlds Conclave Systems Republic, and Veskarium systems. Many systems located within the Manwe Expanse are uninhabited, several of them contain ruins of long forgotten civilizations while many more contain worlds to hostile for life, or are used for their resources via Planet Harvesting.
  Some systems do contain various smaller colonies from the above mentioned inhabited systems, but they are few and far between. There are currently 12 known and named systems in the Manwe Expanse, they are the: Zednia System, Vivtonia 66, Vesgolia Sector, Laplace, Mergrax, Xengill, Lanumi Pyaleko, Xencania, Greater Xencania, Amonury Sector 275, Nitule Cluster, and the Kaanox Belt.


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