
The Uldrae

  Known for their unique biology and aggressive behavior, the Uldrae are one of the few races to come from a system in The Manwe Expanse. From their home world Bipop in the Kaanox Belt the Uldrae are a primitive race that live among the galaxy's darker and more dangerous locations.  

Physical Description

  Uldrae are one of the current shortest-lived sapient races currently known, with an average lifespan of roughly 20 years.   They are known for a unique biology that differentiates them from other known species, having a vast amount of advantages and disadvantages. Their clusters of non-differentiated cells are similar to worms, allowing them limited regenerative abilities. Uldrae are able to adapt quickly to its environment, such as developing thicker skin after being burned, or increased musculature to survive in high gravity. When an uldrae is injured or in distress, these cells move to the affected area and rapidly mature to specialized forms that will alleviate the issue. This also makes the uldrae immune to almost all diseases.   Uldrae stand at an average height between 4 to 6 feet, they are a digitigrade species and possess a fine haired fur across most of it's body. A long tentacle like appendage on the back of their head is used for tribal rituals and during their mating stages to attract a mate.  

Home World

  Bipop is the third closest planet to it's sun in the Kaanox Belt, it is mostly a jungle environment being mostly is an inhospitable planet. The Uldrae evolved to the point of being able to adapt and regenerate from damage and have developed resistances to the radiation that is let in by their planets thin atmosphere. The small planet is mostly overcrowded with at any time there being a population of several billion Uldrae.  

Society and Alignment

  Uldrae society is built around combat. In fact, the Uldrae use combat, both individually and in groups, as their default form of communication resulting in their communications being primarily non-verbal. The Uldrae are a clan based people who prefer living in communal environments with others of their species to living alone or in the company of alien races. When a clan population grows too large, younger members will depart to start a new clan elsewhere. The Uldrae are extremely aggressive, both against rivals of their own species and against any alien who stands in their way. Uldrae who have managed to escape their homeworld have a tendency to occupy uninhabited areas of space stations or larger spaceships.  


  Uldrae that leave their homeworld tend to associate with likeminded races, often seen in gangs or mercenary groups with Draccin or the Vesk. The ones raised from birth or during their two years before reaching maturity tend to be more calm in nature. Able to converse and make friends with other races, Several even speaking throughout Conclave space on behalf of their species, but their short life spans kept their careers very brief. Even today, companies that want Uldrae labor have the poor choice between adopting and educating them as youngsters just to watch them age and die or dealing with autonomous but violent adults.  


  Uldrae are not a space faring race nor do they possess starships of their own. While most of the population lives on their home planet some do sneak aboard cargo ships as stowaways or are adopted and raised by races like the Acarii. Those that do end up leaving Bipop will normally join mercenary groups or underground crime organizations. Uldrae do seems to work well with Draccin and other species that share their tribal instincts and violent tendencies.  

Ability Adjustments+2 Dex, +2 Con -2 Int


Hit Points 6


Size and Type

  Uldrae are Medium humanoids with the Uldrae subtype  

Regenerative Adaptability

  The Uldrae are known for a rather unique biology that differentiates them from other known species and which carries with it a striking set of advantages and disadvantages. They have clusters of non-differentiated cells, similar to those of a planarian worm. These cells allow the Uldrae limited regenerative abilities. When spending a Resolve point to regain Stamina points, they need only wait one minute instead of the usual 10. Uldrae are immune to all known diseases.  

Prone to Anger

  The Uldrae are a violent race, always in some sort of conflict between rival clans most grow up around violence and are easily provoked into anger. In combat Uldrae can become easily enraged, during damage calculation the Uldrae can add +1/2 of their level to damage (min +1) once per short rest.  

Adaptive Biology

  Uldrae physiology adapts to hardships it faces. When finishing an 8 hour rest, a Uldrae can choose any energy type it has suffered damage from in the past 24 hours. It then gains resistance 5 to that energy type for the next 24 hours. Also, after spending a week in an environment of unusual gravity, atmosphere or pressure not natural to them, they do not suffer any negative effects from that type of environment for the next month.  

Alternate Racial Traits



  Uldrae while usually a violent and aggressive race can have some drift from the norm. When Uldrae were adopted at a young age and raised outside of their home world Bipop it was discovered that the Uldrae habit of using violence to communicate was not completely innate. Uldrae raised in this manner instead have their ability score they use adjusted to: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and -2 Constitution. They will also get a +2 racial bonus to Computer checks. This replaces the Uldrae's default Ability Adjustments, and Prone To Anger traits.
Vitals Stats:

Average Height 4-6 ft.

Average Weight 100-250 lbs.

Age of Maturity 2 years

Maximum Age 20+1d10 years


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