Vitalic Systems Integration

Vitalic Systems Integration or V.S.I is a technology co-created by the Voq'uk, Acarii, and Lashunta. the V.S.I monitors the life signs of an individual. Developed from medical monitoring systems designed for elderly/sick patients, it has found common usage among armor developers and jobs that are deemed hazardous.
  All VSI's share several basic features. A spine-mounted display serves to indicate the user's general state of health as a glowing segmented bar which depletes as the user takes damage. It has went under various adaptations to be compatible with other races. When a user drops to 0 HP, it emits a "flat-line" sound similar to an EKG, which is loud enough to alert others within earshot of the VSI wearer's demise. It is a system that has become a galactic standard on armors of all types.
  VSI's also allow for other neural implants to be integrated into it, a very common addon is the neural comlink which allows for silent communication between people within a certain radius of eachother.


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