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The Vulture Masked

-Twelve village elders kidnapped. 
  • 4 soldiers on guard duty killed
  • 7 soldiers off-duty kidnapped
  • 3 civilians maimed, then kidnapped
  • the grave of one Petunia Smith desecrated.
  • ~excerpt of a casualty report from a Vulture Raid on the village Semnia, 3 1/2 miles from the Fane-edge.

    Divine Domains

    [grave, nature, trickery] 
    Survival at any cost, trickery, rot, decay, and the natural progression between life and death.

    Divine Symbols & Sigils

    Vulture Mask, red feathers.

    Tenets of Faith

    Fight as hard and as long as you can, leaving no dirty tricks or cruelty behind in the name of survival.  When death has come to your heart let it in freely and go with it willingly. Let the dead remain so, for undeath and resurrection are the most unnatural of arts.


    The Confluence

    Divine Goals & Aspirations

    Death of the Lion Masked, scouring of the Plaguelands, ending the curse of undeath, spreading of the Fane.

    Personality Characteristics

    Likes & Dislikes

    Likes: determination, savviness.  Dislikes: Undeath, necromancy, The Lion Masked
    Divine Classification
    Masked God
    Chaotic Neutral
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    The Vulture, Rotwing, Corpse-Eater.
    Current Residence
    The Astral Court
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "You dare to defile my mask in one of my own sacred places with your filthy mockeries of life? You dare proclaim yourself devoted to me when you spit upon me? When you take the gifts of gold you have been given and turn them to shit and plague? You are a mockery, and you have opened yourself to what you fear most by putting upon your wretched face a mask of mine." - The Vulture Masked to the Lich Dregedosa, shortly before the end of the Masked War
    Aligned Organization

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