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The Old Gods

These are the old gods of Britain, still worshiped by pagans throughout the isles. These gods are numberless, but chief among them are:  
  • Llud: God of fire, sun, and heaven. Also known as Belons, Lug, Beli Lugh, Nudd, and Llyr.
  • Bran: The lord of the underworld. Also known as Pwyll and Urbgen.
  • Math: God of the stars, keeper of ancient secrets, and chief teacher of the Druids. Also known as Esus.
  • Don: The first and mother goddess. Also known as Modron, Anna, Brigid, Arianrhod, Rhiannon, Epona, Gaia
  • Cerridwen: The dark goddess of magic. Also known as Morgaine.
  • Blodeuwedd: The maiden goddess of springtime. Also known as Creudylad.
  • Llew: The resurrecting god of light and plenty. Also known as Owain, Angeus, Pryderi, Gwythur, and Mabon.
  • Gwynn: The dark god of winter and leader of the Wild Hunt. Also known as Gronw Pebyr and Meligraunce.
  • Mannan: Ruler of the Irish Sea and lord of the hidden kingdom that lies underneath. Also known as Manawyddin.
Religious, Pantheon

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