Aelinea Croft
Aelinea Croft is a young adult female human. She is short and chunky, and has green eyes with light skin. The most notable physical trait of Aelinea is that she has a double chin.
Aelinea loses train of thought easily. She is always pouting. She is untruthful and lenient. When she is relaxed, she is loyal. In moments of stress, she becomes calculating.
Despite sexism against her, Aelinea is having success as a warlock, with a background of being a commoner. She belongs to the nobility social class.
Aelinea currently has a dead mouse in her pockets, and 5 Silver 9 Copper to her name. She lives on Tailor Square.
Aelinea currently earns 2 Gold 6 Silver per day.
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