Galinndan Hall
Galinndan Hall is an elderly male half-elf. He is short-ish and thin, and has ash gray eyes and a goatee, with translucent skin. The most notable physical trait of Galinndan is that he has almond shaped eyes.
127 years old, to be exact.
Galinndan has poor hygiene. When he is relaxed, he is cheerful. In moments of stress, he becomes pushy.
Perhaps due to sexism, Galinndan is a florist, with a background of being a peasant. He belongs to the commoner social class.
Galinndan currently has a lock of hair in his pockets, and 120 Gold 5 Silver 6 Copper to his name. He lives on Potter Square. Galinndan knows Common and Elvish. He predominantly prefers the same gender, but finds other genders attractive.
Galinndan currently earns 1 Gold 1 Silver 9 Copper per day.
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