The Scramble

The Scramble was a plague of change and mutation that emerged as a consequence of the Great Consumption. As gods of every kind were consumed and digested, their domains began to mix together - and so did the world. For mortal-kind in Khalaan, their very bodies and selves were changed, features traded and merged. Humans with elven eyes, halflings with the long arms of an orc, tigers with gills. No one was exempt, from the meekest beggar to the most powerful dragon. Entire species disappeared beneath a tide of mutations, while others rose from it, and the world was forever changed.  
The Scramble continues to have a great effect on the world today.   Ancestry - PCs can select the mechanical benefits of any playable race, and then whatever race they wish to be seen as.   Mixed Feature - PCs begin with 1d6+1 features, rolled either randomly or selected.  
  For each feature, roll a d100 to see which creature type table it belongs to.  
Die Roll (d100)Creature Type
d100 Celestial Traits
01-03 Iridescent feathers sprout on the body
04-06 Vestigial wings sprout from random body parts
07-09 Patches of skin are scales like a Couatl
10-12 Shed skin turns into prophetic parchment
13-15 Mane and tail hair constantly billows as if in wind
16-18 Feet are polished hooves
19-21 Eyes reflect starry night sky when in darkness
22-24 Small clouds form around feet when running or excited
25-27 A single spiral horn grows from somewhere on the body
28-30 A third eye opens somewhere on the body
31-33 Hair is in the shape of a horses mane and continues down the neck
34-36 Wounds bleed light
37-39 Skin occasionally becomes translucent, revealing organs and light
40-42 Shadows cast take on wing-like shapes
43-45 Voice echoes slightly, as if speaking in a vast chamber
46-48 Tears crystallize into tiny glass droplets upon falling
49-51 Patches of skin are opalescent green
52-54 Hair moves and coils like living vines
55-57 Eyes project holographic star maps when focused
58-60 Wounds emit bright light before instantly healing
61-63 Halo of fire briefly appears during moments of passion
64-66 Skin cracks to reveal radiant energy when enraged
67-69 Voice causes nearby metals to resonate and hum
70-72 Presence causes small objects to float momentarily
73-75 Hair and nails grow in vibrant, unnatural colors
76-78 Footsteps leave briefly blooming flowers
79-81 Scales appear on skin when touched by sunlight
82-84 Breath becomes visible as golden mist in times of stress
85-87 A random limb looks like that of a Deva
88-90 Skin glows faintly, brightness tied to health
91-93 Voice causes minor illusions to appear while speaking
94-96 Hair and clothing move as if underwater
97 Tusks or teeth made of ivory-like material grow and shed regularly
98 Trunk-like nose
99 Skin develops a fuzzy, elephant-like texture in patches
00 Laughter causes small objects to levitate briefly
  Roll 1d10 for the type of dragon: 1 - Black, 2 - Blue, 3 - Brass, 4 - Bronze, 5 - Copper, 6 - Gold, 7 - Green, 8 - Red, 9 - Silver, 10 - White  
d100 Dragon Traits
01-03 Legs are digitigrade, with elongated scaled feet
04-06 Eyes emit a faint glow in the dark, color matching dragon type
07-09 Skin occasionally emits wisps of energy (fire, frost, acid, etc.)
10-12 Nails grow rapidly, becoming claw-like if not maintained
13-15 Voice resonates with a subtle, intimidating undertone
16-18 Small, non-functional wings sprout from shoulders or back
19-21 Teeth become sharp and slightly elongated
22-24 Pupils become slitted like a reptile's
25-27 Skin develops small patches of hardened scales
28-30 Hair takes on a metallic or crystalline quality
31-33 Breath occasionally releases small puffs of elemental energy
34-36 Irises become multi-faceted like gemstones
37-39 Fingers and toes become slightly webbed
40-42 Skin temperature is unusually high
43-45 Skin temperature is unusually low
46-48 A ridge of small spines grows along the spine
49-51 Saliva takes on a slight elemental property (acidic, icy, etc.)
52-54 Skin develops a faint, metallic quality in direct light
55-57 Eyes can see perfectly in low light conditions
58-60 Small horns or horn-like protrusions grow from the head (or elsewhere)
61-63 Face becomes elongated, like a dragon's - with or without scales
64-66 Frills sprout from the head or arms
67-69 One or both limbs (arms or legs) are replaced with a dragon's, hands remain usable
70-72 A long, reptilian tail grows (non-prehensile)
73-75 Blood has a slight metallic tinge or bright color
76-78 Neck elongates
79-81 Develops an insatiable appetite for a specific type of gem
82-84 Instead of hair, the PC grows small spines/quills
85-87 Skin molts periodically, revealing brighter scales underneath before growing back to skin
88-90 Skin becomes tough and leathery
91-92 Skin flaps grow between arms and body, imitating wings - not usable
93-94 One wing grows from shoulder or back
95-96 Digits become large and clawed
97 Blood has a slight elemental property
98 Spikes grow out of elbows and/or knees
99 Scales grow to cover random parts of the body
00 Occasionally levitates slightly off the ground while sleeping
d100 Aberration Trait
01-03 2d6 extra eyes grows somewhere on the body
04-06 Skin becomes slick and wet
07-09 Tentacle-like growths sprout from the back or shoulders
10-12 Arms are replaced by prehensile tentacles
13-15 Skin develops a pattern of shifting, iridescent colors
16-18 Mouth becomes like a lamprey's
19-21 Mouth splits into four parts, opening like a flower
22-24 Small, non-functional pseudopods occasionally emerge from the skin
25-27 Pupils take on an unusual shape (star-shaped, square, etc.)
28-30 Fingertips become slightly adhesive and enlarged
31-33 Skin develops a slimy or gelatinous texture
34-36 A pair of small, vestigial antennae grow from the head
37-39 Face grows 1d6 feeding tendrils to shovel food into mouth
40-42 Veins glow with an eerie, pulsing light beneath the skin
43-45 Skin develops patches of rough, chitinous plating
46-48 1d3 extra, non-functional mouth appears somewhere on the body
49-51 Fingers elongate and become unnaturally flexible with extra joints
52-54 Ears become large and bat-like, constantly twitching
55-57 Skin mottled like an octopus
58-60 Eyes can rotate independently of each other
61-63 Face is dominated by a single large eye, pushing the mouth down to the throat
64-66 Small, decorative shells or crystals grow from the skin
67-69 Tongue becomes prehensile and slightly elongated
70-72 Eyes (and any extra eyes) are on stalks
73-75 Hair turns into fine, colorful feathers
76-78 A cluster of small, non-functional barnacle-like eyes grows on the back or chest
79-81 Brain grows into the skull and shows through it
82-84 Skin occasionally ripples with wave-like patterns
85-87 A small, eyeless face appears on the palm of one hand
88-90 Mouth splits wide, allowing to tilt almost the entire head back when opened
91-92 Joints bend in unnatural directions
93-94 The eyes are gone, but PC can still see
95-96 A third arm grows from an unusual location (back, chest, etc.)
97 Arms are replaced by crustean claws, with hands on the ends
98 Shadows cast by the character occasionally move independently
99 Skin temporarily develops complex, alien writing that fades after a few moments
00 The mouth has no teeth, but a single hard ridge
d100 Fiend Traits
01-03 Eyes glow with an inner fire when angry or excited
04-06 Skin takes on a reddish hue or becomes deep crimson
07-09 Small horns sprout from the forehead or temples
10-12 Teeth become sharp and slightly elongated
13-15 A forked tongue replaces the normal one
16-18 Fingernails and toenails turn black and become claw-like
19-21 Small patches of scales appear randomly on the body
22-24 Hair takes on an unnatural color (deep red, blue, purple, etc.)
25-27 A tail grows, ending in a spaded or barbed tip
28-30 Pupils become vertical slits or take on an unusual shape
31-33 Skin becomes hot to the touch, but not harmful
34-36 A faint smell of brimstone follows the character
37-39 Shadow seems to move independently at times
40-42 Voice becomes deeper and more resonant
43-45 Small wings (non-functional) sprout from the back
46-48 Skin takes on a leathery texture
49-51 Blood becomes thick and dark, almost black
52-54 Irises change color to an unnatural hue (red, yellow, purple, etc.)
55-57 Small flames occasionally flicker in the mouth when speaking
58-60 Feet transform into hooves or clawed appendages
61-63 Skin becomes mottled or patterned like cooled lava
64-66 A crown of small spikes grows along the hairline
67-69 Ears become pointed and slightly elongated
70-72 Shadows seem darker and more pronounced around the character
73-75 Skin occasionally ripples as if something moves beneath it
76-78 A pair of small, vestigial wings grow from the head or back
79-81 Fingertips occasionally emit small wisps of smoke
82-84 Tears leave faint scorch marks
85-87 Skin becomes ashen gray or deep purple
88-90 A third eye appears on the forehead (non-functional)
91-92 Bones seem to shift and move beneath the skin
93-94 Hair moves as if blown by an unfelt wind
95-96 Skin develops a metallic sheen in certain lights
97 A symbol or rune occasionally appears and fades on the skin
98 Eyes become completely black, including the sclera
99 Mouth appears to be filled with shadows when opened
00 Skin cracks like cooling lava, revealing a fiery glow beneath
d100 Elemental Trait
01-03 Skin has a faint elemental aspect (vaguely burning, rough and stone-like, wet and slick, transluscent)
04-06 Hair moves as if blown by an unfelt wind
07-09 Eyes change color based on elemental type (1: Air, 2: Earth, 3: Fire, 4: Water)
10-12 Limbs (1: Left arm, 2: Right arm, 3: Both arms, 4: Left Leg, 5: Right Leg, 6: both leg) are made out of elemental matter
13-15 Hair is made out of (harmless) fire
16-18 Hair is made out of water
19-21 Skin has patches of elemental texture (rocky, watery, fiery, etc.)
22-24 Hair is made out of stone or soil
25-27 Shadows cast by the character look like it is burning
28-30 Teeth are made out of stone
31-33 Face is blocky like a slab of stone
34-36 Footsteps leave temporary elemental traces (scorch marks, frost, etc.)
37-39 Entire head is made out of elemental energy (air/lightning, fire, earth or iron, water, etc)
40-42 Eyes lack pupils, instead filled with swirling elemental energy
43-45 Hair has streaks that change color based on elemental type when angered
46-48 Small horns or antlers of elemental energy sprout from somewhere
49-51 Skin occasionally ripples with visible energy currents
52-54 Tears or sweat have unusual properties (glowing, steaming, etc.)
55-57 Fingers can elongate slightly, appearing almost fluid-like
58-60 A faint aura of elemental energy surrounds the character
61-63 Birthmarks are gem-like (but worthless)
64-66 Irises have a metallic or gemstone-like quality
67-69 Veins are visible beneath the skin, pulsing with elemental energy
70-72 Feet are solid clumps of earth or soil
73-75 Skin occasionally becomes translucent when touching water
76-78 Blood has an unusual color or consistency, based on the elemental type
79-81 Bones visible through skin appear to be made of glowing coals
82-84 Crystals or stone grow out of elbows, knees, spine or other bones
85-87 Skin ripples when touched, like the surface of a pond
88-90 Skin cracks and reforms constantly, like dried mud
91-93 Body occasionally phases partially out of reality, becoming translucent
94-96 Limbs detached from body, connected by streams of elemental energy
97-98 Heart is replaced with an elemental engine, visible through the skin (a contained fire, lightning current, a stone or gem, water)
99-00 Body constantly shifts between different elemental states, never fully settling
d100 Trait
01-03 Hair changes color with the seasons
04-06 Eyes have vertical, cat-like pupils
07-09 Skin has a subtle, shimmering pattern like butterfly wings
10-12 Pointed ears with delicate, leaf-like structure
13-15 Fingernails grow in swirling patterns and pastel colors
16-18 Small antlers or branches sprout from the head
19-21 Freckles that glow faintly in moonlight
22-24 Voice sounds like wind chimes or rustling leaves
25-27 Flowers bloom in hair
28-30 Flowers/plants bloom from skin
31-33 Irises resemble kaleidoscopes of color
34-36 Faint smell of honey or wildflowers accompanies the character
37-39 Teeth sharp and jagged
40-42 Shadows cast by the character sometimes have wings or horns
43-45 Skin becomes bark-like in texture in places
46-48 Several small horns grow through the hair/ontop of skull
49-51 Hair grows edible berries
52-54 Small, translucent wings grow from the back or ankles
55-57 Splashes of vibrant color on random parts of the body
58-60 Laugh sounds like tinkling bells or birdsong
61-63 Legs are long and spindly
64-66 Skin has patches that resemble tree bark or leaves
67-69 Reflections show a different fey creature
70-72 Sneezing releases a puff of glittering pollen
73-75 Shadow occasionally acts independently, mimicking fey creatures
76-78 Skin shimmers with bioluminescent patterns when touched by moonlight
79-81 Face becomes a masque as if porcelain, but remains organic
82-84 Blood has an unusual, iridescent quality
85-87 Limbs can elongate slightly, giving an otherworldly grace
88-90 Feet become hooves
91-93 Elbows, knees, spine, or other bones jut out of the body like bark (sometimes, flowering)
94-96 Legs (one or both) are covered in dense, goat-like fur
97-98 Skin changes hue with the seasons
99-00 Entire head takes the shape of toadstool
  To be continued after Summer Camp!


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Aug 21, 2024 08:55

I love the idea of tying the condition to character creation, and this is very well thought out, well done.

Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.
Aug 21, 2024 10:08


Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.