The World of Hungry Dark

Hello everyone!
  It's time for Spooktober again! And like last year, I'll be using the prompts to generate a short, smol little world concept. I won't be doing the prompts in order, but instead in whatever order that comes to me. I'll also do some explaining about my thought process and what kinda things this setting might be used for, as time and interest allows.   Time2spook!  

by Midjourney by Q


The World of Hungry Dark

Prompt 1: Darkness

Where darkness pools and gathers, where shadows grow deep and sharp, where no light touch the ground, darkness becomes something more than just absence. It is like a living thing - an sea of black, inky void, deep enough to drown the world.
The Hungry Dark
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Oct 8, 2022

More than just an absence of light, the darkness is a tangiable thing, grown deep enough to drown the world.

  The first two prompts I randomly drew when brainstorming ideas for this Spooktober was Drowning and Darkness... And what if we took that literally?   That ended up being the basic concept of the setting - a world where darkness is more than just absence of light, but a physical, living, alien thing to be feared. From there, we can come up with a lot of fun ideas - what does life look like where light is vital to life, the enemy is a omnipresent predator, always waiting and hungering.   Prompt 2: Shatter
What remains of the sun hangs in the firmament of the skies like a condemned man, drawn and quartered. Where once was a glorious blaze, there is now only a faint, flickering light, slowly dwindling. When that last ray of sun goes out forever, so do we.
The Shattered Sun
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Oct 12, 2022

The sun is whole no longer, but shattered into countless shards across the sky, each light going out one by one

  Prompt 3: Vanish
When the sun died, the moon abandoned its place in the sky and fled, fearing the same fate. Ever since, it hides.
The Vanished Moon
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Oct 12, 2022

When the sun died, the moon abandoned its place in the sky and fled, fearing the same fate. Ever since, it hides.

  Prompt 4, 5, and 6: Howl, Whisper, and Disquiet
The scream of a god dying is lousy weather.
The Dying Howl Storm
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Oct 15, 2022

The dying scream of a god, howling across the world as something between a storm and a tidal wave.

  Prompt 7: Hunt
Kill the gods! Topple their thrones! Seize the divine with your own bloody hands
The God-Hunters
Organization | Oct 17, 2022

The gods have abandoned us. They've fled from the darkness and hide from it still - a betrayal that the order of God-Hunter nurses like a festering wound, a black hatred that drives them to find and kill every last divine tyrant.

  Prompt: 8: Curse
Gods do not go quietly. Death is always such a surprise to the immortal.
Divine Death Curse
Condition | Oct 19, 2022

Gods don't go quietly into death; they lash out at a world they feel betrayed them with their last power, cursing those who slay them with terrible vengence.

  Prompt 9: Possess
Although each puppet dead is a clumsy, uncoordinated thing, they are dangerous when gathered into a horde, guided by the single intellect of the Hungry Dark.
Puppet Dead
Species | Oct 22, 2022

Corpses animated by the Hungry Dark, forced to move like marionette puppets.

  Prompt 10: Abyss
A blackened, alien world, home to things that could live nowhere else or tolerate even the faintest light.
The Abyss
Geographic Location | Oct 31, 2022

Lands conquered by the hungry darkness, wreathed in eternal shadow and twisted beyond recognition.

  Prompt 11: Chasm
The Wound in the Sky, or the Chasm, is the hole torn in the night sky by the flight of the Moon.
The Wound In the Sky
Geographic Location | Oct 31, 2022

A jagged cut in the sky, a fracture across the heavens from when the Moon fled from its place among the stars.

  Prompt 12: Drown
Bereft of light, the dark became an unstoppable force, flooding the city state and dragging its inhabitants into its depths, crawling into them and drowning them in darkness.
The Drowning of Vertixico
Plot | Oct 31, 2022

A city and a people, drowned by living darkness.

  Prompt 13: Escape
"If there is no hope left for this world, let us seek another. Beyond the Wound In the Sky - no matter what awaits us there, it is better than staying."
The Great Escape
Plot | Oct 31, 2022

The world is doomed - and so mankind seeks to escape it before it is consumed by darkness.

Articles under The World of Hungry Dark

Divine Death Curse
Condition | Oct 19, 2022

Gods don't go quietly into death; they lash out at a world they feel betrayed them with their last power, cursing those who slay them with terrible vengence.

Puppet Dead
Species | Oct 22, 2022

Corpses animated by the Hungry Dark, forced to move like marionette puppets.

The Abyss
Geographic Location | Oct 31, 2022

Lands conquered by the hungry darkness, wreathed in eternal shadow and twisted beyond recognition.

The Drowning of Vertixico
Plot | Oct 31, 2022

A city and a people, drowned by living darkness.

The Dying Howl Storm
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Oct 15, 2022

The dying scream of a god, howling across the world as something between a storm and a tidal wave.

The God-Hunters
Organization | Oct 17, 2022

The gods have abandoned us. They've fled from the darkness and hide from it still - a betrayal that the order of God-Hunter nurses like a festering wound, a black hatred that drives them to find and kill every last divine tyrant.

The Great Escape
Plot | Oct 31, 2022

The world is doomed - and so mankind seeks to escape it before it is consumed by darkness.

The Hungry Dark
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Oct 8, 2022

More than just an absence of light, the darkness is a tangiable thing, grown deep enough to drown the world.

The Shattered Sun
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Oct 12, 2022

The sun is whole no longer, but shattered into countless shards across the sky, each light going out one by one

The Vanished Moon
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Oct 12, 2022

When the sun died, the moon abandoned its place in the sky and fled, fearing the same fate. Ever since, it hides.

The Wound In the Sky
Geographic Location | Oct 31, 2022

A jagged cut in the sky, a fracture across the heavens from when the Moon fled from its place among the stars.


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Oct 8, 2022 13:30 by JRR Jara

I'm here for a dark and spooky ride! Let's go!

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
Oct 15, 2022 07:55


Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Oct 16, 2022 22:11 by Tris (necromancertris)

This gives me such strong Fallen London vibes! Love it! Your writing really got poetic with this one, eerily so. The tone of this spooky world is just *chef's kiss*

Oct 17, 2022 10:37

Thank you :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.