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Kira Nyxin

Kira Nyxin

Ok, this might be a more of a series of events rather than a "story". Also idk specific places/groups so it's more general.   It starts with Kira living in one of the Alavarado cities (not any we've been to in game) and meeting an Elf named Ryliegh (pronounced like Riley). Ryliegh was about 150 years old and Kira is like 22 at this point. Ryleigh always saw the good in people and was extremely kind and understanding, and being 150 years old had plenty of life experience and perspective to share with Kira.   Ryliegh was a pansexual that didn't let someone's gender or race stop him from loving them, and while not explicity gay Kira was suprisingly open to having a relationship. The two were hoping to move to somewhere a bit more "tolerant" of their relationship but since they mostly lived week to week, sometimes day to day, it was hard for them to just leave.   After being together for two years, and about six months of saving up gold the two were looking forward to starting their new life. While out one night the two of them were accosted by a group of men. Kira and Ryleigh tried to leave peacefully but they were cornered and the men began beating the two of them.   Kira tried to fight back but was too weak and was easily overpowered. The last thing Kira saw before blacking out was Ryliegh's bloodied face asking the men "..please.." and "...stop..".   Upon waking up Kira was badly beaten and left for dead in an alley. He saw Ryliegh's bloodied body laying not too far from him. And crawling to it he tried to get Ryliegh up, but after a few moments he realized Ryliegh would not be getting up.   After getting some basic medical attention Kira went to the guards to tell them about the murder/beating that happened. However the guards didn't care too much and almost seemed to look the other way due to the nature of his "relationship" with the elf.   It was at this time Kira took the gold that was saved and went to go train somewhere in order to protect others who could not protect themselves. Kind of like Batman but way more Punisher-like. He's more "unlawful good" than "chaotic good". He follows his own moral compass and isn't afraid to break laws or kill someone if he needs to. He doesn't like guards/lawmen since he sees them as complicit in Ryliegh's death.   After his training Kira began travelling the world and accepting quests and trying to help good people who are in need.

Kira is a vigilante who own moral compass, trying to protect those who cannot protect themsevles.

View Character Profile
Unlawful Good
5' 10"
170 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Not all laws are good, and not all who break them are bad."

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