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The Naians are an intelligent aquatic species native to the ocean planet Naiala. They are a humanoid fish-like species, with blue-green skin and bulging, glowing eyes. They have thin, retractible, wing-like fins between their arms and legs, leading humans to compare them to bats. Possessing gills instead of lungs, they cannot breathe air or survive out of the water without specialized gear.  

Biology and Appearance

Naians evolved for life in the deep, planet-encompassing ocean of Naiala. They possess several gills on their neck, face, and chest that are able to breathe the oxygenated water. They can't naturally breathe air, so their require a breathing apparatus or body augmentation of some kind to traverse outside bodies of water. Additionally, Naian scales require periodic immersion in water, or they will gradually dry out and flake painfully. Most Naians that frequent other worlds possess some kind of environmental suit/armor to solve all of these problems at once. Only certain biomes of Naiala are warm, so Naians have developed a hardy resistance to the prevalent and at-times freezing water that comprises most of their habitat. To aid their swimming, Naians possess large, thin fins between their arms and legs that resemble wings. These fins can be retracted consciously or reflexively, as they are very easy to hit otherwise. In addition to their fins, Naians contain an internal organ similar to the swim bladder, an organ found in many species of fish on Earth. This organ can fill and empty itself of oxygen, allowing Naians to control their overall density and float or sink depending on it. With time, this swim bladder can be completely emptied and sealed, allowing Naians to survive at extremely intense pressures. Naian eyes are accustomed to see in the dark areas of Naiala, and they also possess a faint bioluminescence.   Naian scales tend towards shades of green or blue, but other colorations like shades of red can also occasionally manifest. The lower half of a Naian's face is covered with sensory tendrils resembling a human beard, and they also possess a collection of head fins that are unique to each Naian. They have mouths filled with small, needlelike teeth.  

Society and Culture

In ancient times, Naians lived in small groups in the warm, shallow areas of the ocean to avoid the gargantuan predators that frequent the deeper areas. Their relationship with their home planet in these early periods would eventually evolve into a culture of deep respect for the powers of nature. Hunting became a cultural ritual rather than a means to survive, paying respects to their prey while wishing the same does not come for them. Naians are also incredibly adept at forming bonds with Naialan creatures, as they have been historical allies with them. As their people figured out how to farm food, they were able to advance their societies and expand deeper into the Naialan ocean where rarer materials allowed them to further their technology. At this point in their history; two major cultures branched off from each other.   The Naians who remained in the shallow biomes (Shallowites) maintained their respect for nature, but focused primarily on farming. Shallowites began to experiment with art, architecture, and music, cementing them as permanent pieces of their culture. Shallowites value kindness and compassion, and are known for their accepting nature that finds beauty in everything. Around 86% of Naians are Shallowites, as they are the culture that has built great underwater cities.   The Naians who remained in the deep biomes (Depthites) likewise kept their respect for nature, but in a much more fearful and/or domineering sense. Depthites are passionately religious, revering a small pantheon of gods that are directly tied to specific enormous Naialan creatures. Depthites worship fear as the "lifeblood" of their existence, as it can either lead to their death or to their victory. Depthites are nomadic, as they traverse the depths of Naiala looking for gargantuan sea monsters to observe, pray to, and, eventually, hunt in ritual. Only around 14% of all Naians are Depthites, and even then, they are rarely seen around other intelligent species.   Relations between the two Naian cultures are typically passively positive, though a handful of times in the past few centuries, relations have gotten tense over disagreements on how the Naians affect the land. This has led to several skirmishes, but nothing on the level of human war.

Homeworld Naiala
Predominant language Naian
Pigmentation Green
Average height 5'9"
Average weight 130 lbs
A Naian offworlder wearing a typical environmental suit.

Naian Features

As a Naian, you have the following traits.   Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increase by 1. Alternatively, three ability scores of your choice each increase by 1.   Age. Naians reach adulthood at about 30 standard years of age, and usually life just over 120.   Size. Naians, are, on average, between 5 and 6 feet tall, though Naians encountered offworld typically wear environment suits that add a few inches of height. They typically weigh slightly less than humans due to their cartilaginous skeletons. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base swimming speed is 30 feet, and you have a walking speed equal to your swiming speed.   Aquatic. You can breathe only oxygenated water unless aided by some kind of breathing apparatus. Additionally, you need to be submerged at least once every 4 hours to avoid taking 3 levels of exhaustion. Being covered in water removes any levels of exhaustion created by this feature instantly.   Sonar. Accustomed to life underwater, you have sonar that allows you to "see" your surroundings in lowlight conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Naian Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against effects that grant the slowed condition and you have resistance against cold damage.   Friend to Naiala. You have proficiency in Animal Handling, and have advantage on any Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks made in relation to a Naialan creature.   Language. You can speak, read, and write Naian and one other language of your choice. The Naian language consists of wails and clicks, similar to that of Terran whales. Naian anatomy is unable to produce the sounds of human language, but they can use translation devices just fine.


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