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Nanomedicine, also known as hypo-medicine after its main mode of administration, via hypospray, is a controversial field of the medical sciences, even some 200 years after mankind’s first experiments with it. Widespread with other civilizations, like the Lok, nanomedicine is still considered extreme therapy among many UNE citizens despite a proven safety track record. This is understandable as medical nanotech has been a major taboo for much of the time since its first practical applications.   Earth has had a troubled historical past with experimental medical treatments. The 21st century saw the rise of the "pure health" movement, a loose confederation of groups speaking out against some advances in medical science like stem cell treatments, advanced retroviral and RNA vaccines, genetical modification and nanotech, seen by some as perversions of the natural way or attempts at social control. Couple with the rise of organ printing and cloning, with a backdrop of social unrest and climate change led to increasing conflict between purists and the medical establishment. A compromise position was struck in the 2050s with the signing of the Hubei Charter of Health, a document that banned cloning, genetic modification in fetuses and all but the most stringent applications of Nanotech - such as in cancer research.   Medical Nanotech only started to take off properly over a century later, after the climate, food production and population were finally stabilized, thanks in no small part to nanotechnology advances and popularization in general. The clearing of the Scandinavian Reclamation Area, for instance had been a mass practical application of radiation scrubber nanites, one that enabled their use in humans for anti-radiation treatments. These "first gen" medical nanites, were so large they were almost visible to the naked eye, had a reputation for breaking down and causing pain and anaphylaxis and had to be commanded to recluster and recovered manually, but they quadrupled cancer survivability, especially in late stages. Second generation nanites, used after nano-miniaturization became widespread were similar to the models used in nano-assembly and shaping, such as metal workshops or diamond latticing. These nanites were physically quite tolerable, could be passed naturally and were relatively fast acting but they were faced with renewed opposition from a skeptical public, skepticism mostly fueled by a few overmediatized cases of anaphylaxis and claims of "behaviour pattern mode.   Nanites finally gained some acceptance on Earth in the 2270s after third gen nanites - equipped with moderate swarm intelligence and self-repair abilities. These nanites were used to stop and reverse a highly contagious new strain of hemorrhagic fever with pandemic potential. Soon after, resistance to nanomedicine rates started to drop, reaching an all time low of 52% in 2297, as nano-medicine is being used to reattach limbs, heal grievous injuries and treat complex ailments and wounds. There is still plenty of resistance, especially as thee has been talk of limiting nanite doses in regular treatments to a certain limit per month, to prevent nanite buildup and kidney deposits.   Other Species   The Lokken Mechanists have been using nanomedicine for close to three centuries now, and it has become now only commonplace but preferred to surgery in many cases. The Voor use nano-healing to keep their implants functional and the implant areas clean. Surprisingly, however, it it the Ix'Idar hive mind that makes the most use of nanite healing among the galactic neighbourhood races. Medical nanorobotics are used permanently to keep the Ix'Idar drones healthy.
Once controversial, this mixture of medical sciences and functional programming has become increasingly widespread in both trauma or battlefield medicine and in long term treatment of chronic illness.

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